The weather in central Europe is just...
Poland, the south, Silesia metro area
I live in SW Finland and it is -10*C here
Here it's cloudy
Here it's cloudy but sunny
I'm still in tee shirt, i hate this type of journey in january
Poland, the south, Silesia metro area
Even there is so warm, omg...
The snow is beautiful, but when there ice on the grouns can be really dangerous. I was afraid of walking on the street the two or three days where it was freezing cold
The snow is beautiful, but when there ice on the grouns can be really dangerous. I was afraid of walking on the street the two or three days where it was freezing cold
The one week in 2021 where it was snowing in April was funny. I had to walk to the nearest supermarket cause my bus didn't came in this time and a woman behind me fell down and almost rolled down half the hill and she barly could get up
It was so strange since I barly ever saw snow in April
I'm im serbia and it was 16 here. Insane
I'm im serbia and it was 16 here. Insane
These temperatures are not normal at all.
These temperatures are not normal at all.
and i'm not feeling well. it's supposed to be up to 5 or 6, not 17!
I can't with people who want it to be warmer
we need snow. The lack of snow on the mountains will mean more drought next summer and our water reserves are already at an all time low. The way the climate has change in just my lifetime is so fucking scary. When I was a child we ALWAYS had snow in my hometown. Then it went to only a few days of snow a few years ago. And now it's been several YEARS since we had proper snow, the kind that stays on the ground. It honestly terrifies me to think what will happen to our nature if this keeps up - and how much hotter our summers can still get...people are gonna start getting aircon everywhere, which is again terrible for the climate but I guess we already gave up on saving the planet anyway...
I can't with people who want it to be warmer
we need snow. The lack of snow on the mountains will mean more drought next summer and our water reserves are already at an all time low. The way the climate has change in just my lifetime is so fucking scary. When I was a child we ALWAYS had snow in my hometown. Then it went to only a few days of snow a few years ago. And now it's been several YEARS since we had proper snow, the kind that stays on the ground. It honestly terrifies me to think what will happen to our nature if this keeps up - and how much hotter our summers can still get...people are gonna start getting aircon everywhere, which is again terrible for the climate but I guess we already gave up on saving the planet anyway...
Imo saving the planet is not compatible with our consumption society
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