Armies and Dua Lipa fans fighting on TW.

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    I doubt Dua Lipa was actually taking a shot at JK, but regardless, i personally consider this performative activism. JK is going there for the World Cup, not to support human rights violations.

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    I doubt Dua Lipa was actually taking a shot at JK, but regardless, i personally consider this performative activism. JK is going there for the World Cup, not to support human rights violations.

    ARMY's are ridiculous for this. Is she performative? Sure. But being mad at someone for not going when your own fav still goes... clownery

  • A lot of kpop fans are practicing performative activism. Apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the fake activism that happened when BTS announced their concert in Saudi Arabia. All those loud ass "activists" were strangely silent when the rest of kpop followed BTS and performed in Saudi Arabia. Frankly any kpop fan who drags BTS/JK for being involved with the world cup is just a phony opportunist who wanted a reason the drag BTS. These types are human scum who would use serious issues to be able to express their hate behind a shield.

  • ARMY's are ridiculous for this. Is she performative? Sure. But being mad at someone for not going when your own fav still goes... clownery

    Right. "Qatar when it has fullfilled all the human rights pledges" but when it's her own sponsorship with Puma, her stans turn a blind eye.

    "PUMA sponsors soccer games in illegal Israeli settlements! Tell pop star Dua Lipa to drop her partnership with PUMA!"

    Dear Dua Lipa,

    We, the undersigned, are asking you to drop your partnership with PUMA. We appreciate your outspokenness on the issue of Palestinian rights, including during the most recent Israeli bombardment of Gaza, but your partnership with PUMA is counterproductive to gaining freedom, justice, and equality for Palestinians.

    PUMA is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), and as its sponsor, PUMA is supporting Israel's illegal settlements.

    The IFA includes six settlement football clubs:

    Maccabi Ariel indoor football club and Ariel municipal football club in the Ariel settlement;

    Beitar Givat Ze’ev Shabi in the Giv'at Ze'ev settlement, near Ramallah;

    Beitar Ma’aleh Adomim in Ma'ale Adumim, near East Jerusalem;

    Hapo’el Oranit in the Oranit settlement;

    Hapo’el Jordan Valley in Tomer, a settlement built on land seized from the Palestinian village of Fasayil.

    Matches and practices sponsored by PUMA are held on stolen Palestinian land in a flagrant breach of international law and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) regulations. According to a comprehensive report by Human Rights Watch, IFA trainings and matches in illegal settlements enable and normalize Israel’s settlement economy and contribute to violations of Palestinian human rights.

    Israeli settlements are illegal land grabs that force Palestinian families from their homes. They crowd Palestinians in densely populated villages and refugee camps and limit access to clean water and healthcare. The settlements are Jewish-only with Jewish-only roads leading to and from them. The soldiers and checkpoints that maintain the settlements deny Palestinians freedom of movement. Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to Israeli military law, under which all peaceful protest is prohibited, while illegal settlers are subject to Israeli civilian law.

    Across the globe, football fans, players, and teams have supported the call from more than 200 Palestinian teams urging PUMA to end its complicity with Israeli apartheid. Unfortunately, PUMA has refused to reassess its relationship with the IFA for years now, ignoring Palestinian activists and calls to boycott Israeli settlements. So we now turn to you.

    You said in a statement following hateful backlash for your posts about Palestine that you “stand in solidarity with all oppressed people”. Dropping your partnership with PUMA, and refusing to be the face of a brand that profits from apartheid and land theft, would be an amazing act of solidarity. Please end your partnership with PUMA.


    Tell Dua Lipa to Drop PUMA!
    PUMA sponsors soccer games in illegal Israeli settlements! Tell pop star Dua Lipa to drop her partnership with PUMA! #DuaDropPUMA

  • There is going to be pressure on BTS to pull out of this whether their fans want to acknowledge it or not. And they will be judged by the broader audience whether they like it or not. Their battle isn’t with other Kpop Stans. It’s with the woke internet. That side has always been like this before BTS and they’ll be so after BTS.

  • I don't think we can blame her ??? Buuuut she is "raising" a problematic flag here where any artist that goes to the World Cup is a "we don't care about humans rights".

    About fans, people are being dumb and blaming performers while spending money on the most trash big companies and literally ignoring the corruption between the big ones.

    This whole controversy is just a pain in the ass atp, nobody cares for nobody. People will just choose whatever side they are based on who they like/dislike.

  • as i said she's very selective with human rights violations

    She perfomed in the UAE. But UAE have problems with mistreatment of migrants/violation of woman rights/LGBT rights

  • The clownery is this thread and you believing it’s armys when it’s everyone on twt calling out her for this

    Anyways OP obsessed with armys as usual

    From my scan through qrts and replies, there's a lot of little sevens so I don't think I'm making stuff up. Ofc everyone is calling her out, they should, it's performative. But in my view army's have very little to say in this when their fav is still going to Qatar

  • as i said she's very selective with human rights violations

    She perfomed in the UAE. But UAE have problems with mistreatment of migrants/violation of woman rights/LGBT rights

    But that won’t give as much publicity as pulling out of the “World Cup” the biggest event in the world.

    This is about PR. And artists are going to have to decide if the PR nightmare is worth it. It’s not about actual morals and has never been about it.

  • There is going to be pressure on BTS to pull out of this whether their fans want to acknowledge it or not. And they will be judged by the broader audience whether they like it or not. Their battle isn’t with other Kpop Stans. It’s with the woke internet. That side has always been like this before BTS and they’ll be so after BTS.

    The broader audience will be watching the world cup so I doubt they care as much as you think.

  • From my scan through qrts and replies, there's a lot of little sevens so I don't think I'm making stuff up. Ofc everyone is calling her out, they should, it's performative. But in my view army's have very little to say in this when their fav is still going to Qatar

    But of course. That BTS hyper focus kpop fans have is amazing. Bypass all the other fans dragging her (main pop girl fans and barbz are the main people calling her out.) but in your own words "the little sevens" proving my point.

  • as i said she's very selective with human rights violations

    She perfomed in the UAE. But UAE have problems with mistreatment of migrants/violation of woman rights/LGBT rights

    She's a bigot. She shared something a while back that Israeli Jews are "fake Jews" and Hamas (the terrorist organization that controls Gaza that wants to kill every Jew on the planet) is a psy-op by Israel and the USA look like the good guys which is a blatantly "Jews control the world" conspiracy theory.


    t-αrα | kαrα | wσnhσ | mírαє | dríppín | ívє | crαvítч | thє вσчz | вαє173 | trєndz | ítzч | чσunítє | wєí | nínє.í | shínєє | dkz

  • The broader audience will be watching the world cup so I doubt they care as much as you think.

    I agree with this. World Cup won't be cancelled even with huge scandals etc, nobody will drop it.

    This whole internet fight doesn't even make sense. Neither BTS nor Jungkook will lose jobs over it. Their image won't be ruined even if Twitter fandoms say so.

    People really give too much credit for a bunch of crazy people. In the end Jungkook giving a great performance (which i believe he will) his appearance will be received super positively.

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