Guess the idol
Son Chaeyoung
See? It's literally this picture...
the infamous
How could people hate her for this omg..
How could people hate her for this omg..
People did what??
People did what??
You dont know? She got a ton of hate for the way she was eating the strawberry..people were saying she was trying to "act cute" and other dumb stuff..
You dont know? She got a ton of hate for the way she was eating the strawberry..people were saying she was trying to "act cute" and other dumb stuff..
People really complain about any and everything
People really complain about any and everything
Jealousy tbh..
You dont know? She got a ton of hate for the way she was eating the strawberry..people were saying she was trying to "act cute" and other dumb stuff..
Well, she is definetly trying to act cute. 😂
But yeah. People who hate or critic her about that are simply assholes.
Nobody is forced to watch her if they dont want to.
He reacted to my Chaeyoung post between then and now so I'm guessing that this thread is up for interpretation
It could be Chaeyoung, it could be Wonyoung...or it could not be one of those Youngs...maybe another strawberry lover?
it's Wonyoung i'm pretty sure
Hey, don’t be mean to Wonyoung. It’s a wholesome and cool way to eat it!
he posted this last month
Oh thx lmao
It's still literally this picture. I rest my case.
Oh thx lmao
It's still literally this picture. I rest my case.
my old-post-finding skills finally came to use
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