Should Pretty Savage have been the prerelease title instead of How You Like That?
Had PS been the pre-release or title track, oh boy, I would have stayed off the forums for a while. HYLT was already a acquired taste type of song I thought. How it caught on fire was a surprise to me even though I loved the song. PS is an even more difficult song to sell to the masses. PS is a song that mostly only Blinks can truly appreciate. So HYLT.
As much as I love PS, I think that it works as a glorfied b-side and HYLT deserved to be a title track imo. Maybe that's just what Im used to
HYLT has the most impact, so it makes sense for it to be the opening song.
they should have saved ps for next comeback and just added another ballad in the album
i see pretty savage doing better if it was the title track, but pretty sure many people would complain again
Had PS been the pre-release or title track, oh boy, I would have stayed off the forums for a while. HYLT was already a acquired taste type of song I thought. How it caught on fire was a surprise to me even though I loved the song. PS is an even more difficult song to sell to the masses. PS is a song that mostly only Blinks can truly appreciate. So HYLT.
Pretty Savage would play really well in western markets. It's pretty much the favorite track of nearly every western reactor to "The Album" I've seen.
should have replaced ice cream
PS does well as the glorified B side and also one of the songs that makes the 3 installment of THE ALBUM release top tier... it did very well without an MV... HYLT on the other hand did better because it had an mv... the order of release was perfect...
If one could debate I'd say sour candy would have had more impact than Ice cream being part of the album. ..
The response would have been very different imo
for worldwide ? yes,
for korean release ? no
the song supposed to be go hard , they toned it down for korean music show
This is true
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