If you don't know how to calculate Korean age, use this formula:
2021 - x + 1 = y
2021 = the current year
x = the year you were born
y = your Korean age
Super simple, all you have to do is subtract your birth year from the current year which is 2021 unless you live in the past or future lmao. You can just put into a calculator, don't let the algebra fool you it's really easy and a simple equation
You don't use your exact birth date, because in Korea, you identify age as the year you were born and on the first day of each year, everyone is considered a year older in Korean age. Not sure why it's different and I asked around and did my research and found out that Korean age was in other countries around Korea but they dropped it so now SK and NK are now the only countries to use it.
If you ever go to Korea and you wanted to know how old someone was, you don't ask "how old are you?" you ask "what year were you born in?" Most privileges are at 19 instead of 18 in Korea because of this rule.
I was born in 2005. My real age is 15 but my Korean age is 16. (my birthday is October 18)
2021 - 2005 + 1 = 17