isnt it funny
Tf is rudolph a dolphin?
mh i got bullied in school, not even to long ago, reasons being the dumbest, just homophobia : / i think it is funny,
Tf is rudolph a dolphin?
R u gonna answer me question
R u gonna answer me question
Oh okay then
R u gonna answer me question
nah i didn't understand if it was a question
but since it is, rudolph is a reindeer
nah i didn't understand if it was a question
but since it is, rudolph is a reindeer
Oh okay thx
Oh okay thx
Never heard of the dude
I remember singing that for a Christmas assembly back in Elementary school
and in my Junior year of high-school (which is technically last school yr ) We had to sing the song.
How did I not know that the song was telling us about bullying- even if I saw the film-
I must've not paid attention to the lyrics lol
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