This group had one of the best vocal lineups

  • 100%! Teen Top/Up10tion's brother group that was, sadly, much lesser known!

    The two blondes are 100% members, Hyukjin and Rockhyun - the brunette is Niel from Teen Top. There are some solid high notes and lovely harmoning!

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    The members are ~18 to 21 here. Jonghwan, Rockhyun and Hyunjin!

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  • Niel is an incredible vocalist so is changjo Unfortunately Teen Top's music isn't for me

    but i love this song they did with hwanhee

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    and Changjo's solo song here!

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    I haven't had the time to listen to any 100% songs though so i'll be checking more out thanks to your post!

    The forum crashing is really messing up my posts oi.

    These are really good

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    Anyone showing abs off in a video has my attention lol


    edited again:

    I ran through their discography and MV's and I really only like Beat and Want U Back. It's unfortunate I never really heard of them that much before your post. I wonder why Top Media sucks so bad at properly promoting groups. They aren't doing the best for Up10tion either, currently. I just hope they don't disband when their contract comes up this year.

  • I agree... Top Media... I'm honestly not sure how it has survived for as long as it has!

    100% were basically not promoted, Up10tion is now a complete mess - I feel like we don't REALLY know which members are still part of the group, at the moment. That is something that should be obvious yet here we are? And TM didn't even successfully capitalise on Wei and Wooshin's popularity???? Surely messing up so badly should be difficult but TM succeeds again and again 🤧 Only Teen Top came out relatively unscathed and, even then, their popularity could have been much bigger with better management!

    Re 100%'s discography, I can't say anything without being biased 🤭 I think a lot of the songs are outdated if you're listening to them for the first time but for me they're all nostalgic. Even when they were active, though, I was more interested in them for their vocals (covers and so own) than their own songs. It's the same for groups like Vromance - I LOVE them but their sound isn't my favourite, their voices are. That being said, it's always bittersweet to see the videos with Minwoo in them 🙁

  • I agree... Top Media... I'm honestly not sure how it has survived for as long as it has!

    100% were basically not promoted, Up10tion is now a complete mess - I feel like we don't REALLY know which members are still part of the group, at the moment. Surely that is something that should be obvious yet here we are? And TM didn't even successfully capitalise on Wei and Wooshin's popularity???? Surely messing up so badly should be difficult but TM succeeds again and again 🤧 Only Teen Top came out relatively unscathed and, even then, their popularity could have been much bigger with better management!

    Re 100%'s discography, I can't say anything without being biased 🤭 I think a lot of the songs are outdated if you're listening to them for the first time but for me they're all nostalgic. Even when they were active, though, I was more interested in them for their vocals (covers and so own) than their own songs. It's the same for groups like Vromance - I LOVE them but their sound isn't my favourite, their voices are. That being said, it's always bittersweet to see the videos with Minwoo in them 🙁

    Top Media is a piece of shit, I said it. Like why did they start ANOTHER boy group when they can't even get their heads out of their asses and properly deal with Up10tion? I guarantee you Wei/Jinhyuk would love to be back with them. The fact that TM forbade any of them to talk to each other or about each other after being family for years is piss ass poor. I don't like wooshin as a soloist at all. Jinhyuk was rigged out of x1, and i mean i get it if TM wants to capitalize on their popularity for a bit but it's been how long? Not to even mention to fans about Jinhoo....god that's another thing that pisses me off, entitled idiots pissing on Jinhoo over some dumb ass scandal and instead of protecting their artist, they shoved him in the military and then can't bother to announce his discharge? Like I hateeee TM, but I don't want to see Up10tion disband. I don't care if they renew as 7, or 8 with Jinhoo or back to 10 as long as they stay together. With or Without TM.

    as for 100% I like older groups like beast/highlight and infinite, so their music isn't too outdated for me, I just didnt' vibe with it. They have a nice vocal range and those two videos I posted I did enjoy which is more my style. Up10tions diversity and style is more up my alley tbh, but that doesn't mean 100% was bad. But we can surely agree TM doesn't know wtf they are doing. I think they started MCND for the fact that Up10tion is getting older and they needed some kids to keep making music or some dumb ass shit like that idk. Let's not forget the incredible horrible real names of Up10tion and Teen Top, they lack in the creative department 100% no pun intended.

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