Racism or not?

  • I’m asking from this pow:

    I am white.

    I live in a country with a social safety net, free health care etc.

    I’m also a christian (protestant).

    I have also never been subject to racism. Naturally.

    When I write I write from my pow. But those who read it can perceive it differently just because of the fact that they are bipoc and used to racism or judgement because of this. So not ill intent on both “sides”.

    Racism is racism regardless of intent.

    So my question is -

    Are words worse when things/opinions/words comes from a white person because of color?

    Because of history and the way bipoc is treated rn in general?

    Like if I write something about Korean suicide rate - or comment on China etc - is it felt like a (worse) judgement because I am white?

    I hope you understand what I mean :shyr:

    Edited once, last by Millano ().

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  • It depends on whether or not you come off as condescending to others.

  • isn't racism pretty straightforward? if you feel other people are inferior just solely based on arbitrary stuff like skin color or place of birth then, yeah. otherwise, why even be all paranoid about it? don't let media falsely guilt trip you into believing you're a bad person just because you were born a certain race. that's crazy

  • isn't racism pretty straightforward? if you feel other people are inferior just solely based on arbitrary stuff like skin color or place of birth then, yeah. otherwise, why even be all paranoid about it? don't let media falsely guilt trip you into believing you're a bad person just because you were born a certain race. that's crazy

    Yes it is.

    I’m not paranoid - I see this every day of poc being attacked for various reasons and I want to understand if my communication is perceived differently that’s all.

    (I don’t want to include others and take accountability for me only).

  • Yep, you can't control anyone's reaction, just try to let your words but as pure and true as you can. If they misunderstand and/or don't try to understand, that's on them - same goes for everyone involved IMO

    It’s on them but still if bipoc have a history with being attacked - they are coming from a different pow than mine and their reaction can be understood and I can learn.

    But I somehow can’t make myself understood :cryingr:

  • Huh?? You are allowed to have opinions on matters outside of where u were born..and idk but if something came from a place of misinformation i'd rather correct someone and explain rather than attack them and tell them they're not allowed to voice their opinions. Everyone should be free to do that.

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • Huh?? You are allowed to have opinions on matters outside of where u were born..and idk but if something came from a place of misinformation i'd rather correct someone and explain rather than attack them and tell them they're not allowed to voice their opinions. Everyone should be free to do that.

    Its a general inquiry more than related to an incident😊.

    Its the perception - if said opinion is coming from a white person - if that’s worse or not.

  • Its a general inquiry more than related to an incident😊.

    Its the perception - if said opinion is coming from a white person - if that’s worse or not.

    Look, if the judgement about something is only based with someone's skin color in mind then yeah, it's racist. I do not think that, based on the examples u used, your race should make things worse and valid conversations about topics can happen regardless of race.

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • Its a general inquiry more than related to an incident😊.

    Its the perception - if said opinion is coming from a white person - if that’s worse or not.

    As it says in the rules here, it is better to ask rather than tell. Asking for an explanation of why something that you don't understand and/or agree with may be a certain way will be taken in a far better manner than telling them exactly what you think about it outright. It's the difference between looking to understand vs telling others what to think.

  • As it says in the rules here, it is better to ask rather than tell. Asking for an explanation of why something that you don't understand and/or agree with may be a certain way will be taken in a far better manner than telling them exactly what you think about it outright. It's the difference between looking to understand vs telling others what to think.


    I will try this

  • I think the tone is important too

    If someone comes here like "What are these ppl complaining? It annoys me, everytime"

    Yes, the person will sound like a racist even if it's internalized racism

    Internalized racism is a thing right? I am a mix of brazilian native and portuguese by blood, and appearance wise. (My parents are brazilian)

    "Continued creation of pointless threads will result in warnings and bans. STOP IT."


  • I just cant be friend with one without thinking that in their heads They think They Are the best. Which in most cases Are like this. And bc of Asian fetish They have, They Are willing to give me that chance to become their friend so no thx and most of the cases redflags

  • I’m not sure what internalized racism means tbh🫣.

    But it was more if it changes things if a non racist thing is said by a white person ?

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