Are you religious? Do you believe in god or a higher power?

  • Do you believe in god or a higher power? 40

    1. Yes (25) 63%
    2. No (15) 38%

    I thought it would be interesting to see the variety of perspectives pertaining to this topic on akp. So, do you follow a religion? Do you believe in god or a higher power? What is the reasoning behind your belief?

    Please be respectful.

  • Yes, I very much do believe in God. I started to be more surely after learning about spiritism.

    though I must say I am not a follower of any religion not for any particular reason but mostly because I am still so and so about it, not thinking much

  • Yes to all of those. I am religious and do believe in God. Mostly because that’s what I grew up with and it makes enough sense to me, so yeah.

    What religion? How is it growing up religious? Did it affect the way you interact with the world now?

  • Not religious and i don't quite care about whether god exists or not

    Interesting perspective. Pascal, the philosopher, argued that where god exists or not it is better to believe in god. The wager being, if god exists, that you are not sorry. Of course Pascal’s wager does not identify a certain religion or god.

  • i'm not religious at all. if anything i'm pretty against religion as a whole. but i do believe in god, source, universe, it's all the same. we're all made up of it.

    This perspective seems to align with mine the most. I feel the universe is the higher power. It has been there before us, it will be there long after us, and we will ultimate all be part of it (as organic matter) once we die.

  • no, it never made sense to me.

    I believe the universe is the higher power. What’s your perspective on such views?

  • What religion? How is it growing up religious? Did it affect the way you interact with the world now?

    I'm a Latter-Day Saint/Mormon. It's not that bad in my opinion. Sure there area few differences, but whether or not you're religious, I mean, you still have to focus on school, possibly daydream about what you want to do, find hobbies and interests, make friends and so on. You get the idea. I find there's far fewer differences than people make there out to be. I did grow up VERY sheltered though, and that impacted me far, far more than growing up religious did, but that's off topic and a discussion for another day.

    A little bit. Mostly false conceptions about other people that I now look back and laugh at. Gosh, I should like the dumbest person ever, but up until I was almost 13, I genuinely believed that no one dated until they were 16 and it was like an unspoken rule among everyone. It also (to some degree) taught me that anyone can be good or bad, no matter what religion they are a part of and to judge people based on their behavior, not belief.

  • i'm not religious but i believe in god, satan, heaven, hell, karma lol

    i don't read the bible i used to go to church and identify as protestant/christian but i don't follow any religious things and such.

  • Interesting perspective. Pascal, the philosopher, argued that where god exists or not it is better to believe in god. The wager being, if god exists, that you are not sorry. Of course Pascal’s wager does not identify a certain religion or god.

    I just basically think its impossible for anyone to truly know whether something is out there or not no matter how much we talk about it.

    Now the rest of it is, do u feel the need to believe in a god? Go ahead, everyone has the right to.

    I don't think anyone who doesn't feel the need to believe in a god specifically will feel sorry in the end.

  • This perspective seems to align with mine the most. I feel the universe is the higher power. It has been there before us, it will be there long after us, and we will ultimate all be part of it (as organic matter) once we die.

    my take is a lil more spiritual i guess, that our pure consciousness is source and when we die we return. a drop of water returning to the ocean. our physical bodies are just part of the dream that our consciousness plays in




  • I just basically think its impossible for anyone to truly know whether something is out there or not no matter how much we talk about it.

    Now the rest of it is, do u feel the need to believe in a god? Go ahead, everyone has the right to.

    I don't think anyone who doesn't feel the need to believe in a god specifically will feel sorry in the end.

    I disagree with Pascal’s wager as well. Of course, it did act as an interesting counter argument to your point. In my philosophy we were debating it quite a bit,


  • my take is a lil more spiritual i guess, that our pure consciousness is source and when we die we return. a drop of water returning to the ocean. our physical bodies are just part of the dream that our consciousness plays in


    Tell me if I’m wrong, but this is similar to Buddhist pov? I believe they say that our physical bodies are temporary but out consciousness is a whole.

  • i'm not religious but i believe in god, satan, heaven, hell, karma lol

    i don't read the bible i used to go to church and identify as protestant/christian but i don't follow any religious things and such.

    So you don’t practice rap yet religion? Do you believe god, satan, he’ll, and heaven are physical constructs? Or is it more intangible?

  • I disagree with Pascal’s wager as well. Of course, it did act as an interesting counter argument to your point. In my philosophy we were debating it quite a bit,


    Oh yeah! It was!
    I just genuinely do not think that the people who choose to..basically believe in something else, whatever that is, will feel sorry in the end if they lived a life according to their beliefs and that made them happy.

  • So you don’t practice rap yet religion? Do you believe god, satan, he’ll, and heaven are physical constructs? Or is it more intangible?

    don't practice religion at all, i actually fell asleep in church, i went as a kid lol.

    stuff bored me to death. lol

    i believe they are intangible and not physical beings. I believe in their presence.

  • Oh yeah! It was!
    I just genuinely do not think that the people who choose to..basically believe in something else, whatever that is, will feel sorry in the end if they lived a life according to their beliefs and that made them happy.

    Yes, choosing to live a moral life is always commendable, I find many religions overlap in that aspect. It’s interesting to compare and contrast.

  • I believe in God but religion is man-made. I don't follow any religion.

    Would god for you be tangible or intangible. I think of god as the universe for example.

  • i'm not buddhist so i don't know but if that's their belief system then i'm in agreement

    This is mostly from the religion classes I took, I’m not the most well verse in Buddhism though I tend to agree with the majority of Buddhist arguments,

  • don't practice religion at all, i actually fell asleep in church, i went as a kid lol.

    stuff bored me to death. lol

    i believe they are intangible and not physical beings. I believe in their presence.

    Interesting, I would call this a spiritual argument. Your beliefs seem spiritual in nature at least to me.

  • I believe the universe is the higher power. What’s your perspective on such views?

    i understand that perspective and how it essentially affects everything. i see the universe as the overall result of a combination of infinite factors, as opposed to one single entity and/or intelligent controlled power.

    it's the same way i view nature: it has the ability to correct imbalances based on many different factors, and historically has gone through extreme measures to do so. but i don't see "mother nature" as a sentient entity that makes conscious decisions.

    by definition, i suppose nature and the universe as a whole are "higher powers", as they're more powerful than us, controls our daily lives, and has the power to cause mass extinction.

    N Ξ O C I T Y


  • I was raised catholic aka brainwashed so some part of me does entertain the theory of their being god or some sort of higher being

    But at the end of the day, now being an atheist, I still believe there to be nothing at the end, and I’m very much fine with that

    I believe the universe is the higher power. We were formed from organic material, we will die, decompose, and become part of the universe’s system once again. Perhaps our matter will once again form into a tangible body, but it will not be us in the sense of our consciousness.

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