Stop trying so hard. It's extremely cringe.
I don't think you're worth the effort because I find your arguments to be full of ignorance, misinformation, fallacious logic and monstrously stupid conclusions.
The proof of that is your incorrect assumption about your status as a flagrant waste of time being correlated to being a Fearnot.
Very interesting choice of words, you have there.
I'm a try hard yet you are the one who has mentioned (or rather shaded) me outside of direct interaction.
You deem my arguments full of ignorance and misinformation yet you are the one who deviated from a decent argument (that was not directed towards you, btw) while fully neglecting the basis of discussion to using ad hominems as a means of execution of your insanely barbaric conclusions that lacked any explicit evidence.
Logic is--in part subjective--so you saying that I possess fallacious logic is really laughable when evidence and reasoning are both part of the justification of a logical claim yet you failed several times to conclude your statements with sound evidence.
Overall, I'm impressed. It takes real talent to be as self-absorbed as you.
I do not wish to be further associated with the likes of you that possess a thriving narcissistic personality disorder. Have a good day.