Posts by CaraFIMIE
To showcase that their vocals improved of course! As I said earlier every regular person without vocal training or talents can sound the same in the studio if they learn this song! There is nothing hard to sing in this song at least for tenors and females!
I don't really agree but you have more vocal experience than I do so I may be wrong.
Hybe spys on everyone, (they even have the personal profiles of smggs) specially the goats like njs, aespa, xg... And then they take their moodboards and plans and 'work' around that. Bango's obsession with 'trends' knows no bounds!
With Illit, they even dared to literally steal a njs demo
. Obviously a hybe insider already revealed that they also used NJs moodboard and plan for Illit.
So this behaviour from hybe is confirmed. Which makes me think that if they did it with Illit, they could also do it with ssera. Because at this point, the coincidences are too much. Both Easy being a chill hip hop concept (Njs How Sweet) and Crazy being a dark/edm concept (aespa whiplash). Bruh.
So you know the worst? This year, they even dared to release their copycate materials right before the ogs could!!
The f*cking NERVE!
ex: Easy hip hop concept defintly inspired by how sweet . what was njs moodboard theme? Hip hop all the way! then bam, ssera releases easy when hip hop was never their concept in the first place.
Then its the same with Crazy, from genra, to styling, to the dj edm concept probably stolen from sm again
. Not the other way! Whiplash was in perparation since at least december 2023. Maybe even sooner.
Yes this group (as a project, not the members!!) is a monstruous creation!
Obviously not mentionning the negative virality hybe did towards these groups they copied as well
for the sake of ssera and their blatant fraudulent mass payla.
Hybe are f*cking demons
I'm supposed to be respectful but are you actually fucking kidding me, right now?
Whiplash might've been in preparation since December 2023 but LE SSERAFIM already spoiled both EASY and CRAZY comeback since NOVEMBER 2023.
Not to mention, How Sweet was released in May. Easy was released in February.
If you're going to lie on LE SSERAFIM's name with some bs that you pulled out of your rancid as$ then at least do it right and come with receipts.
I'm still not following.
They're cancelled for allying with hybe and bang pd
Pre-hybe case :
Never really care about their debut songs, too kpop for my taste, until perfect night released. But switched back to not care after encore singing (cause i can't listen to easy anynore without hearing their encore). And sakura's story after coachella turn me off (despite she actually did a good job compare to other members who off key a lot).
Post-hybe case :
-learning how hybe like to sewing current trends to its groups, found them lack of originality or identity, and now suspiscious every thing released from them smell copied (the twirking part, crazy club song like whiplash, chaewon hair, chaewon lolypop scene)
-getting off vibes from one of the member after several media circulation (not sure why)
I'm confused. Crazy was released first so your notion (if that's what you think) that they "copied" Whiplash and a HARISTYLE. Is truly CRAZY.
OP asking questions and then debating everyone for giving honest opinions on Lsf is so funny to me. Like, there’s no right or wrong answers since it’s all just opinions (unless it’s something truly disrespectful). If you’re asking for opinions, don’t get offended when people are honest about how they feel about the group or its members. If you only want positive answers or plan to argue with people over what they feel about this, maybe don’t ask in the first place.
Stay on topic bestie. I did ask for your opinion but I also have the right to respond, no?
There IS no right or wrong answers but I will still call someone out for their attempting shade and just blatantly discrediting them for no reason at all.
"Overall Talent for Vocal Talent".
See this is why I hate dumbass stans, they'll use some fairly mediocre talent and convince themselves it's excellence beyond compare.
You are right, vocal talent doesn't mean all the talent. But vocal talent is important. They're singers.
Secondly, you're going on about Kazuha doing a ballerina pose. My brother in christ, if you want talent, go watch an actual world class ballerina performance, go watch olympic gymnasts, go actually see professionals do it. You're losing your mind over high school talent show level that every single 18 year old ballerina in training can do and then trying to sell us on their talent. Get the hell outta here.Does every single 18 year old ballerina in training win a gold medal at the 2016 Japan MIE Ballet Competition, J1A Division; a bronze medal at the 2017 Biwa Yokohama Western Dance Competition; as well as a gold medal and the Grand Prix Award at the 2017 WorldDream Ballet Competition, Middle School Division???
Do they place 2nd in at an International Ballet Competition, Asian Grand Prix, JB Division; 2nd place in the a Victoire Ballet Competition, Kobe Junior High School Division; and 1st place in the 2018 and 2019 Victoire Ballet Competition, Kobe Junior High School Division???
Do they graduate from the Hashimoto Ballet School (Japan), the Bolshoi Academy (Moscow, Russia), and the Royal Ballet Academy in the UK???? Right, no. Your measly attempt to discredit someone who has accomplished more than your entire life so far is ridiculous.
There are MANY different types of talent and vocal talent is just one out of their many array of talents that they do not fit well. So you saying that they possess "fairly mediocre talent" is just you projecting.
I'll do it again. Sakura has got to be one of the most overhyped and underdelivering idols in the history of Kpop. "Outdance half". So if she can only outdance half, she's exactly a median dancer then? With your own words?
Experience counts against her, which is my point. How do you stay in a time freeze skill wise for 10 years. If you want true improvement, check Taemin's vocals on debut (practically tone deaf) to Taemin's vocals now. Now compare Sakura.You can reiterate it all you want but you will STILL be wrong. What company did Taemin debut under vs what company did Sakura debut under?? How much resources did you think she had vs how many resources did he have?? How many OPPORTUNITIES did he have vs her??
You throwing on some fancy phrasing on your argument will not erase the fact that you are downright wrong. You have SO MUCH to say about a group you know SO LITTLE about. I understand criticizing their vocals but it is so obvious that your opinion comes from a place of bitterness as evidenced by the fact that you are literally trying to discredit them for the very things they have been praised and have received accolades for.
Be so fucking for real.
1. The song doesn’t have any agile moments(vocal runs, crescendo, legato, prominent vibrato and such), it doesn’t have any vocal heavy parts(such as belts, low notes, mixed belts, no modulations, no long phrases, no 5th octave head voice, mixed or chest notes), song doesn’t have dynamics and plays it really safe within an octave!
Why is this a must??
hand em over
I'm only going to recommend 10 but I could go on.
1. Impurities (my absolute favorite)
2. Swan Song
3. Sour Grapes
4. FEARNOT (between you, me, and the lamppost)
6. Choices
7. Good Parts (when the quality is bad but I am)
8. Fire In The Belly
9. Crazier
10. Pierrot
I would love to hear what you think of these songs if you decide to listen to them.
perfectly well explained!
but the worst is that daddy bang spends his time destroying, ploting, harrassing, copying and stealing from other actually talended great girl groups (njs, xg, aespa etc...) just for their sake
while using mass payola if not worse for them to sell an illusion of success over these ggs.
all for that mediocrity.
Let's not bring down groups to lift up others.
Please and thank you.
Yes *qualify. My bad, lol
theyre pretty
theyre funny
sakura has some really aesthetic posts on insta
eunchae sounds like she has a stuffy nose, ive got a love hate relationship with it
pierrot is pretty good
i haven't heard enough of their bsides
i found crazy disappointing
If you're willing to try out some of their b-sides I can give you some recommendations.
Honestly, I've got a love-hate relationship with Crazy. It's a fun song and a breath of fresh air from what is typically seen in k-pop but I feel like the lyrics did not deserve the instrumental.
You're not reading all what?? Three words?? LMAO.
Fine, you asked.
All the talent and hype of a cover band.
- Derivative knock off songs blatantly copied from what is the top of spotify/tiktok at the time of their comeback. Western pop's shein equivalent. When I say Cover band, I mean this. Why listen to an LSF song when you can just listen to the better version of whatever artist (Tyla/Rosalia etc) they're ripping off this comeback.
- An amazing lack of talent amongst the group, struggling for any vocal or rap talent amongst them, and a vacant stare of non-existent stage charisma. Every "performance" i see that is hyped up is them buried in a sea of back-up dancers.
- Vocal tones that warrant on unpleasant. Almost universal. Complete lack of vocal direction in the studio, which isn't necessarily the girl's fault, but it's still the product Hybe ships.
- Marketing full of sound and fury, but no substance. Selected on visuals (by their own admission), every comeback is some sort of marketing scheme attempt to portray them as fearless independent when they're anything but.
Much of this is not actually the Idol themselves fault, at least 4 of them (I'll single out Sakura has being in the industry 10 years and never improving). The other 4 I do believe work had and do the best they can do. They're not naturally gifted with much talent, but they do go hard. I'll certainly give them that.
I don't want to be too mean about the idols themselves. But the group is rubbish, it's the tip of the sword of post-truth marketing and hyper capitalism. There is nothing behind the curtain with this group, and it's stanned only by credulous people.
You're also wrong.
1. The fact that you are one of the many people who mistake overall talent for vocal talent shows how you can also be considered as significantly credulous.
2. "Derivative knock off songs" really?? The last time I checked none of LE SSERAFIM's songs are copied. Just because Tyla released Water then LE SSERAFIM released Smart and they both have roots in Afro beats and were released in the same year does not make it a knock off. I ASSURE you that if Tyla's Water had not gone viral, y'all would not be yapping about how LSF plagiarized Tyla.
3. LE SSERAFIM are one of their generations BEST performers (they are among the few that actually achieve captivating performances). So you saying that they are "buried in a sea of back-up dancers" shows just how little you know about LSF. My point? You have no right to be critical of a group you know little about.
4. You're criticizing them because of how their voice sounds?? Omg, just when I thought you couldn't be any pettier.
5. Don't you DARE disrespect Miyawaki Sakura like that ever again. She has been an idol for nearly (if not more) a decade. She has experience AND she can outdance half of her GG peers.
You sound like the stereotypical hater that just reiterates the information that they so gullibly absorb from other losers on the internet. Go take a shower, you stink.
She does?
I won't lie and I'm not trying to be rude, but I stopped listening ALSO bc her, Eunchae and Sakura vocal tones aren't for me. In some songs one or the other will make me go:
but like if you like, good, but when an idol gets super criticized over their singing ability sometimes it isn't just hate...
But like, I stan some controversial vocal tone idols so what a circle
Well yes, naturally not every idol's vocal tone resonates well with fans. I understand that.
I am a SHINes Stan an OG experimental group in kpop, so I actually really like music experimentalism, but Lsfm lacks one aspect to pull that off which is vocals! Some genres require heavier vocals while others don’t! If lsfm will be able to sing better in the future I’m sure they can pull off many genres!
My ult fave Taemin was called tone deaf when he debuted and had 0 lines in their debut song “Replay” but he tremendously improved and now he can be a main vocalist in 99% of the kpop groups
This is his latest LIVE performance in KGMA! Just watch and imagine how a person who was called “tone deaf” could become a great vocalist!
But the thing is Hybe is a big problem here and they are not moving their *sses to help many of their idols to sing healthier and better! So I hope Hybe hires good vocal coaches for many of their idols and gives them songs in their vocal range!
I see. I would say they've improved in their vocals and that's only the first step.
You should check out Crazier if you want to observe their vocal improvements.