Posts by whisker

    Blame certain arrogant twice stans for jinxing twice on this website gloating about how twice’s success is so much more organic than bp and 4th gen groups, only for twice’s sales to follow the exact same decreasing pattern this album ;judgingpepe: those particular users have gone completely radio silence since then after shitting on other groups, it’s really ironic ;judgingpepe:

    Yes yes we all know generation is great and still triples’ best song but girls’ capitalism is also good and deserves more shoutout ;judgingpepe:

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    this mv is kind of really bad at introducing a new group and all its members to a new audience. i know illit is heavily influenced by nj in how they operate over there, but it's like the art director for this mv tried so hard to emulate the feel of nj's mvs without understanding what really made them work.

    first of all, magnetic's mv is too damn short. there's only 2 minutes and 50 seconds of actual footage, while attention's mv is almost 4 minutes long and has a much more meaningful composition. i'll get back to that it a minute

    second, whatever happened to that hybe budget? even if it's impossible for them to spend so much money on so many mvs like they did nj, shouldn't they have at least poured most of their resources into a polished, expensive-looking mv? magnatic's sets literally consist of only small, claustrophobic indoor rooms with dull lighting and a pretty pedestrian cinematography. it almost looks like what nugu agencies have to make do with when making an mv

    third, and this is the worst offense: the art direction. looking vaguely similar to a nj mv doesn't mean it actually works.

    1) this kind of shaky cam technique only works to a certain point, and overusing it will turn your mv very messy and aimless-looking with no real focus on its subject. attention also employs it, but they use it sparingly in between closeups of the members and what's called "money shots" to leave an impression on the viewer.

    2) you might not have been able to differentiate between nj's members right away due to their similar hairstyles and makeups (which is deliberate on the director's part), but you'd still be able to remember key scenes from the attention mv, like 'the girl singing the chorus in the middle of a wide field', or 'the butterfly hairclip girl', or 'the mixed ethnicity girl running down the stairs', or 'the similar-looking girls in the car' etc. conversely, there's literally nothing to take away from magnetic's mv, it left no impression at all. no scene stands out in the middle of nothing-bundle.

    3) magnetic's mv is too hectic and doesn't actually show you what any girl aside from wonhee looks like in any meaningful amount of time or under any decent lighting. it jumps from shot to shot too fast and randomly (they literally had a swipe transition fgs), there's not much cohesion artistically, and there are so many 'wasteful' shots that don't do anything to endear the audience to its subject, unlike the case with attention. all those back lit shadow shots? filming the girls running from behind, so many freaking times? those blurry running and and rolling shots where you can't tell who's who? absolutely wasteful in a sole debut mv. why are they so damn afraid of showing these girls' faces directly to the camera for more than 1 whole second?

    4) i've already mentioned above, but the cinematography for magnetic is honestly so uninspiring and dull it's literally giving nugu. whether you like nj's music or not, you can't deny that attention's mv delivered a sort of freshness and energy and vigour that a new group should emit from their onscreen presence. you don't feel that with illit's, at all. and i'm not talking about the choreo or their facial expressions. again, why is this mv so damn badly lit?

    and remember that after all that poetic waxing i just did for attention, nj had 3 more songs they shot mvs for, giving you all the more chance to get to know its members. we don't have that with illit. also, illit's director should tone down a bit on trying to replicate every nj's mv set that comes to mind. the balcony tables set (hype boy), inside a wardrobe set (attention), the multiple hallway sets (hype boy & ditto), the empty white room set (omg), the overhead lit theatrical room set (cool with you). notice the only nj mvs that don't really show up in magnetic are the outdoors ones lol

    I was replying to the same person dude like even if I did what the f*ck do you care? not sure if you notice but it's kind of creepy you keeping tab on what I do lol you have been banned multiple times you shouldn't be even here. Imagine coming at someone for something as trivial as that. Priorities people

    i don't keep tabs on what you do honey, trust me i don't want to stuff this rubbish in my brain either, i've just seen you speak up about this topic too many times it's impossible not to notice atp. i guess if you're sensitive about people replying to you and appearing too confrontational, i'll stop that towards you and just address sth i want to say in general or to other people. not my intention to make you think i'm keeping a special eye on you or deliberately picking on you, so my apologies for that. but also pls dial down the paranoia and delusion a bit, it's good for you

    re: the other point, you should take your own advice about priorities before smugly thinking you're oh so better for not being banned from a website adamant on burying its owner's wrongdoings and silencing any criticism, no matter how valid, especially on the competence of the people in charge lmao. imagine bragging on twitter or reddit that you don't get banned there thanks to cowering against elon musk or whoever tf reddit's owner is, or due to not having the guts to criticise obvious incompetence from their modding minions (which is at least still better than siding with them just bc they have power), oooh boy, the clown show that would commence lol. a pity that you lot think being banned on this hellhole is sth to be ashamed of, but at least that tracks with the sort of mentality you people have ig ^^

    if you are not the person who I replied to then I don't know why you bothered. I literally only said that once lol. It's the assumption that any blink supports baemon when isn't the case for everyone since I personally see it. who the are you? are you whi? I don't give a damn what you think about my opinion lol

    um idk if your memory deliberately wipes away what you don't want to remember but i've literally lost count of the times you've spoken up when people insinuate baemon stans are bp stans in multiple threads lol, but it's alright if you want to forget, i wish i could forget all the bad times too :(

    anyway, regarding the bolded part, it looks like none of what i said penetrated through to you, as expected, lol. here's an ELI5 analogy, since it seems many people apparently need it:

    if we assume bp's fandom has 1000 people, maybe like 10 are baemon stans/support them. that's almost 0% of the whole bp fandom. unfortunately there are only 11 bm stans overall, so the bp stans overlap makes up the vast majority.

    again, pls use your brain and think about that for a second before replying with another irrelevant rebuff. no one is saying all bp stans support baemon.

    *edit: also i forgot: no one said you have to care what i said either. that's one of the weakest comebacks if there ever is one lol. whoever i am or you are has nothing to do with this discussion, and it's laughable when people have to resort to this when they can't think of any other way to rebuff and win an argument ^^

    it's an assumption to think all blinks are into baemon some are but some aren't not all of them. Actually there are many blinks that aren't into other yg groups and Blinks and YG stans don't get along. I think ibaemon gets more support from YG stans especially treasure fans

    you seem to have trouble comprehending what people are saying. it's not that almost all bp stans are baemon stans, it's that most baemon stans are also bp stans. take a moment and really think about the difference between those 2 completely separated notions before whining in every thread trying to protect that "bp fandom image" or whatever like your life depended on it with a total miscomprehension of what people said lol

    for the record, i couldn't care less about all this company stans nonsense so don't come crying and accuse me of making that same statement as other people. i don't, bc i don't care

    Whoever buys and displays one or both badges will be allowed to vote for the members' badges in the next round.

    The number of sales also will enable you to get album badges etc.


    what if I don’t even have enough akorns to buy badges to be qualified to vote for the next round? 😭 and what if I don’t want to buy the group/fandom badges and just want the member badges, does that mean I can’t vote for the badges i actually want to buy myself? 🤔

    well that was hilarious.. hilariously cringe lol

    i don't hate the beat (even if it's obviously yg coded to the point of predictability) but that vocal distortion and literal screech.. could yg not buy a hook better than that, like at all? :huuh: that really the best they could come up with?

    given how young these girls look and actually are, and how none of them really suits that 'swag' concept yg is adamant on forcing on them (it's especially jarring on a couple members) the final product just sounds like a total mismatch for what these girls' strength lies in. even jennie took years to really grow into the role she was given, and she was already 20 when bp debuted. now we have 14-16 year-olds doing this concept? it's giving playing dress up in mum's clothes and trying to appear more mature and badass for.. what? it's really not working in a number of ways

    Everyone and their mother wants to be the new twice, illit's concept execution is extremely disappointing. Using AI and making the group look cheap... but we still look forward to the debut

    lol not you accusing any animation of being made with ai :pepefacepalm: do you even know what you're saying, and how nonsensical it sounds

    best leave what you have no idea about out of your mouth and avoid the embarrassment whilst trying to appear smart

    oh look another prevy uncle fan obsessing over nj

    men are so gross

    i agree that some adults are too pathetically and embarrassingly obsessed with dissecting kids online on matters what shouldn’t concern them at all, but are you insinuating that it’s all fine and dandy as long as it’s adult women who do the obsessing? That women tearing young girls down is acceptable just bc they’re not leering after them like men do to the female population in your world view? This is such a gen z teenager take, which ig makes sense since it comes from you

    i think all top groups need to have their sales at least halved and bulk buying should be banned, no exception, but that's just me :teeheek::wellr:

    but anyway it is quite hilarious to see people like op throw a tantrum over other groups' success and throw shade for the 'fraudulence' that op thinks their faves are oh so obviously immune to and even praises them for the supposed 'organic growth', only for the group to follow the exact same 'fraudulent' pattern as everyone else's :cryingr: this is such an embarrassment i'd feel bad if op wasn't so obnoxious and hypocritical and pathetically vindictive over matters as trivial as kpop

    every time i see this group wonhee always sticks out, and not in a good way. her vibe is just so different from the rest of the group's, and now that youngseo is gone that gap has just widened even more

    anyway the music already sounds very promising. ik they're still giving off nj 2.0 lol but if their vocals are half-way decent and the music delivers (which is not out of the realm of possibility, judging from enhypen's output), i can already see myself looping their songs more than nj's tbh :eyes: ig we'll see

    don't see myself stanning them any time soon tho. most likely will just become a casual listener like i am for almost every other kpop group

    Oh my girl - closer (one of kpop’s goats, as far as the “indie” crowd is concerned)

    Oh my girl - windy day

    Oh my girl - secret garden

    Oh my girl - the fifth season

    Wjsn - secret (another goat, according to me at least)

    Wjsn - i wish

    Wjsn - dreams come true (not sure if this counts)

    Wjsn - save me save you (not their best mv but the song is top tier)

    Izone - secret story of the swan (the mv seems like a knock off of those wjsn mvs ngl, but oh well)

    Less fairy tale and more “carnivale” & carnivale adjacent lol:

    Wjsn - la la love

    Sunnyhill - midnight circus

    Purple kiss - nerdy (stretching it a bit)

    Not ggs but female singer at least:

    Iu - good day (not quite on theme but 💁)

    Iu - you & i

    Iu - the red shoes

    Iu - twenty three

    I say all this because I wonder if companies are taking this into account. It looks like Hybe did since LSFM's album is probably the best way to promote in this situation, waiting to see what song performs better and try to push it a bit. G-Idle will do it too now releasing a video for Fate but it looks like it was more accidental.

    The prereleases/several titles strategy that seemed the best way to do it last year doesn't seem that good anymore since no one is getting good debut numbers, so if people don't like the songs that much these will probably have a bit disappointing performance anyway (Super Lady, Off the road, Shopper... and maybe Cool with you was already in this situation too even though it was a bit before), and you could have tried to push other songs of the album with more potential.

    i fully believe that ive’s holy moly had the potential to become one of the first cases of those “chart reversing” hits since last year. It’s by far the best song in the album, and it’s upbeat and catchy enough to go viral, especially if it had decent choreography to help boost its online presence. Too bad it was relegated to “ignored bside” status in favour of the prereleases and baddie, which was just a LOL-worthy title track choice from starship. They really fumbled that cb for ive. I’m honestly still pissed thinking about it lol they pushed all the wrong songs, and the promoting strategy they chose to follow didn’t pay off either. Such an unfortunate case of bad timing for holy moly. If it was released in 2024 and promoted like smart it could’ve definitely taken off.