I may be misreading the thread and correct me if I am.
But sounds like he is trying to make you happy so you spend more time together. If you know what I mean.
I may be misreading the thread and correct me if I am.
But sounds like he is trying to make you happy so you spend more time together. If you know what I mean.
If someone is out there chanting 'kill Palestine kill Palestine' well that's an obvious sign of a horrible person.
But if someone is remaining neutral to wars and conflicts outside of their interest and just drinking coffee/ eating McDonald's that's not the same thing.
I also think that political opinions one way or the other aren't correct all the time. Like the far left may think this way and the far right may think another way.
You shouldn't be on a side for every single issue just because it's what the rest are saying in your party.
I'm not talking about the war in Gaza just saying in general. I feel like everyone here is just of only the left and far left.
Okay so I haven't been keeping up with K-pop a lot, but I learnt a thing or two about politics. And from what I gather and understand. K-pop fans are extremely left. Not just common democrats but like the type to launch lynching campaigns against someone who misused their pronouns.
Obviously I experienced a lot of attacks from people and always thought well the whole world is very sensitive, but no it's actually just K-pop fans who are.
There's a whole near 50% of America who are very different to you guys. And who don't think certain things about certain topics. Or react certain ways to certain things. Even among the left most are not so extreme as K-pop fans.
It's only K-pop fans cancelling idols for drinking starbux.
It's just that in forums like these we are communicating with 90% far left so it's going to be heavily that way.
Not that it really matters just an observation I realised recently. Didn't quite realise it before.
How are you able to use this username though? Since you had it with your old id, or wait you changed it and so it became available again?
Yeah I remember this username cause of the confusion between this user name and Ves name and ofc ripia always had some or the other Mina pfp. Ofc Ves will be able to say whether it is you or not for real.
I'm assuming because I changed it to ripia that it became available again. Coz it worked haha.
Technically Ripia should also be available but I didn't wanna use that name i prefer slight incognito. The OGs will know me but the rest won't.
And yeah it's me my IP address should be for new Zealand and my writing style is pretty much what it's always been. I think.
Youre the first to notice/bring it up
I believe I became a better person.
More in summer because I excericse more
crystalblues Rainbowlicious Wench
May I pretty please rejoin the guild *inserts twice emoji I can't access because no allkill*
The world is filled with people who are desperate to find something to support and all that.. first it was me too, then it was BLM now it's Gaza.. once people find something else to post and spam about the they'll move on.
You can't take these people seriously, they're not sincere. They're an army of crazies. And I don't care if this looks blunt. People cancelling someone for drinking a coffee regardless of the context. Yes it's an American brand yes America is on the side of Israel.
But America is its own nation with its own interests it's politics, it's not our place as civilians to somehow deprive ourselves of things to make some sort of statement.
Hey if that's what you want then go ahead.. imma eat my bigmac and post stories about it .. kidding I don't eat McDonald's but if I did I wouldn't stop coz of a war that's not my fault.
Fandom names are much older than kpop.
Yeah and I think it's even cringe in the west too, I'm a swiftie, Belieber etc
Idk it's kinda like a glorified groupie? But that's probably just coz I haven't thought about it in a while.
I don't know I guess stepping away a bit for a while I find it a bit cringe to call myself an anything?
Imagine meeting someone and they're like what are your hobbies and you're like I'm an army, exoL what's an exoL? What's an army and exoL?
Exo Love, army means you fight for bts..
Be getting some odd looks. As for now I'm just a music Stan but maybe if I'm a bit more active some of the cringe will rub back on me again
Display Morefrom what I remember
Exo was selling on average 350k-400k Korean albums
They were selling the same for their Chinese ver. albums as well.
Their sales were not increasing as steadily as bts' with every comeback.
In fact you'd think that they had hit a plateau already, reaching the utmost peak in popularity that anyone would have achieved at that time being big in Korea and China.
It was the competition with BTS that made their sales jump from a comfortable 350-400k to 600k. Never once saw exo hit 600k preorders for an album release until after bts broke the album sales record by selling 500k+
BTS' case was different from Exo's
It was only a matter of time for BTS to be hitting numbers never seen before in kpop
how could anyone tell? well when you look at BTS' sales, you'd notice that they were on a consistent rise
where they doubled their album sales each time
I remember joining the fandom wondering if bts was even going to beat their previous album sales record
and one OG army told me she was confident because bts had never failed to double their sales
and they did.
With BTS' stats you can literally raise the question...was it really EXO that made them hit these numbers as people claim?
Or were they going to reach it any way?
You don't count just singular you count the entire amount combined.
K-pop was different back then people anticipated repackaged albums, and the fandom was split between Chinese and Korean. So you have to combine it and they sold regularly a million if you do.
Bts debuted the year exo broke record sales with xoxo and they reached their peak 2015, and bts was just getting big then. So it was a pass of the torch
But if exo hadn't of done what they did for K-pop, bts may have had a slower rise in comparison. Although we don't know for sure that's just what I observed. I had a feeling you'd reply this