Posts by reverie1

    Sorrybae39 and you know where that scum Jinho Lee got that source from? Fucking GirlsGallery999 from DC Inside :pepe-joy: Home of incels who are LSF and Illit fans. One unknown dude from that gallery said "I know that reporter, he's about to transfer to Kakao" and all those incels spread that everywhere :pepe-joy: Hybe dicksuckers now are soooo desperate that they have to entrust their entire existence to fking incels and a youtube wrecka :pepe-joy: how low can you guys get, genuinely asking :pepe-joy:

    Just saw people once again blaming MHJ for gfriend disbanding thanks to the reunion news and something just occured to me that should have long ago.

    If we believe MHJ took the members after training in source and didn't pay source back so what? Isn't that what being a subsidiary is for in times like that? have the parent company fill the hole just like they are doing for every other hybe subsidiary. And even if they didn't, why is your response to being in debt getting rid of the only source of income you got? How does that make any sense? 'I owe money on my credit card so let me refuse this job offer', that is legit the logic Hybe shooters are going with.

    The only thing that makes sense is they were planning to shut down (but somehow didn't loose a single employee apart from gfriend and the manager who went with them), they didn't want to split their attention on two groups (which again is dumb) or gfriend whilst profitable, wasn't as profitable as their projected new GG and they wouldn't have to give them a better income split.

    Ador did paid Source ~2 billion won as trainee fee btw.

    Only plotting is still pretty bad imo. It's just hard to imagine the relationship continuing smoothly at all, a lot has happened. Just seems like there'd always be some tension even if MHJ managed to win the injunction and be re-instated. But I agree with everything you've said, and nothing that happened today really changed anything so we just gotta wait....

    It changed alot after today tho. The public backlash is insane in Korea. Newjeans and mhj now have the receipts that Hybe lied, downplayed their archiements, badmouthed them to reporters and bribed the reporters to write biased articles against their own artists, doing everything to blur the main points.

    Handwriting article by reporter Jeon Hyeong-hwa, the one that handled CBS the record between him and Hype PR representative today. He's a veteran reporter with 17 years experience and mainly wrote for major newspaper, not related to entertainment. He's now tired of Hybe's bullshits and I expect other reporters will follow suit in the future, when more evidences reveal.

    In short, Hybe is in big trouble. An entertainment company acting like a fucking lowly thug shouldn't be shield by armys or any hybe stans, period.

    Im not really sure what that means. Mhj was hired by HYBE so technically she was a "hybe-installed" CEO no?

    I dont know what is driving MHJ to be so keen on getting her CEO position back, and I could be wrong, but superficially it has always looked like MHJ being driven by ego and greed. And it continues to look that way.

    The contract is full of toxic clause. She can get fired anytime for no reason.Plus she has to work under that fuckass Belift CEO who belittled her whole team, real Ador and Newjeans in the lamest way possible- the infamous belift video that has +100k dislike

    And mind you, MHJ gave up her shares when she was the CBO of the whole Hybe corporation in 2019 to create Ador with full creative control. If you know nothing about the situation since the beginning, I suggest you do a quick research before comment anything.

    Hey. Look at that. I was right. MHJ is probably going to win the main lawsuit and Hybe knows it. Newjeans are big enough to make demands and they are leverage in MHJ's favor.

    MHJ was offered a more palatable 5 year contract, but she knows she can squeeze more out of Hybe. She was reappointed as an internal director. HYBE is clearly budging and today's news clearly swung the general public towards NJs.

    She might not get her CEO seat back, but at the very least, she'll get everything else back.

    Knowning MHJ's nature, theres NO WAY she will work under those ceo and that dude from Belift. No fucking way :violinist-pepe: She and Newjeans will fight to get her CEO seat back to the end and if Hybe not accept it, we go to court :pepe-cross:

    Hybe proposes MHJ to be New Jeans producer for 5 years(basically until New Jeans contract ends) and that she CANNOT be CEO again.

    Another wordplay to tone down the situation. No way she gonna accept it (as she should). The reaction from Korea this morning was abysmal to Hybe. The public know that there are still many more evidences to come. Hybe are shaking rn and shareholders, mainly consists of >30-50+ male boomers who were on Hybe side since the beginning are starting to piss off.

    CBS is a major news channel in Korea. They're pretty Christian-friendly, even has a sub channel "CBS Christian". They were the first major channel that interviewed MHJ directly in person right after the presscon. They've been fighting with cults in Korea for years. So yes, they 100% not side with Hybe's bullshits given the connection of that company to Dahnworld. I expected many more to come in the following days.

    All this is true, and I debated making a thread here and on reddit to call out those disgusting creatures masquerading as even semi-respectable men.

    your thread will get deleted instantly :pepe-joy: apparently you're not allow to expose or talk bad about any hybe higher ups there aside from that crazy witch:eyeroll-pepe: I've just read a thread that said MHJ was behind Garam removal and GFriend disbandment :pepe-cross::pepe-cross: She's truly kpop reddit Voldemort :pepe-cross:

    Reddit dicksucking bsh is never not funny to me. They're doing everything to make this chunky mtfk LESS weird than mhj, even riding his ass :pepe-cringe: while everying they accused of mhj, he ALREADY DID it all to BTS in their early days :pepe-cringe: hybe/bighit even recorded it and we have armys bragged about it as some kind of battle scars/badge of honor :pepe-cringe: fat shaming, manipulate, gaslight... dude had done it all :pepe-cringe: even the "pedo" thing :pepe-cringe:

    Meanwhile Yonhap News uploaded this English clip (D-1) about the case:

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    the comment section sounds EXACTLY like Reddit kpop lmao. There's even a white grandma pfp with her grandchild slandering Newjeans :meme-side-eye: borahae :meme-side-eye:

    As long as fans keep consume this kind of abusive, manipulating, disgusting kind of content, hybe will never stop. Consumers took a large part of the blame for this. The minority of people who concern will quickly be ratio by the huge amount of hybe stans (armys btw). Hybe hit the jackpot with this cult fandom who will eat up and justify anything they did. I'm not a "pure" or "traditional" kpop stan by any mean and I'll never understand why there are tons of people who gladly consume these kind of fucked up documentaries like this one or the LSF one. It's like a pity competition on who suffer more and hybe stans bite it every damn time. Kpop culture or should I say, Hybe fandom culture is fucking weird. Seriously a (huge) bunch of masochistic weirdos.

    Dude share the article :eyes: .

    not really "articles" tho, just tons of twitter/tiktok/youtube posts

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    Bieber was found by Scooter at the age of 12. Scooter was infamously known as the "White Diddy". He then took guardianship of Bieber and took Bieber to Diddy's house for the weekends.

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    footage of Scooter, Bieber with Diddy

    It's all make sense now. Scooter announce retirement from the western entertainment industry, few months later Diddy was charge and got into jail. Since Scooter is a zionist prick with so much influence, it's not easy to take him down tho. All we know now is that Scooter and Diddy has a very close relationship and Bang piggy called him his "soul brother" after invested 1B$ to buy his company. Fun fact: MHJ in her 1st presscon showed her text with PJW about this buyout too lmao

    KBS has been on Hybe's side since forever. But still they've already shown some good gestures as the National broadcast channel towards Newjeans. I hope things change for the better if they decide to support Newjeans nonetheless. Korea needs to change. They're going to the path of extinction.The country felt like a dystopia already. Lowest birthrate, most serious gender conflict and highest suicide rate in the world with chaebols controlling literally everything. They need to have examples of female new generation's victory against a very male-dominated society. An Se-young and Newjeans need to win for the country to moving forward. The fact that majority of people who oppose An Se-young and Newjeans are 30-40+ male says it all.