Posts by reverie1

    It's not like there isn't truth to this but we may never know for sure. Was is it MHJ or Pork PDs ego that started all of this? The latter seems more likely but who knows.

    I think it's both. MHJ FOR SURE looked down on him and somewhat want to take advantage that bsh literally liked her(romantically) in the beginning. They have exact opposite personality and taste tho. In genz language, it's like bsh = a "normie" crave for people who has the "hipster energy" like mhj. He wants to be "arsty" but unable to then eventually became obsessed with charts and numbers. At the beginning of the conflict, Knetz dug through bsh's past comments and mhj's blogspot from ~20 years ago (lmao). Bsh at that time spoke very highly of Duran Duran and want BTS to go to that direction. MHJ, on her blog wrote when she was a student in an all-girl Uni, adored Bjork and mocked Duran Duran for being "bland and too cormecialized". They were never meant to belong to each other :pleading:

    A lot of people said that Hybe will keep NJ and put them on hiatus until the end of their contract. I don't think it's likely. Due to NJ huge support and popularity in SK, keeping NJ on hiatus would probably damage Hybe reputation so much that it's not worth for them to do such a move.

    If NJ don't want to work with Hybe anymore, best move would be to find a compromise and allow NJ to leave for a small/reasonable amount of money. This conflict must end as soon as possible for both parties.

    the shittiest company is the company that doesnt care about public reputation anymore. If its about money this situation wouldn't last even a week. Hybe and their stockholders have lost about x20 what they supposed to pay mhj already and they're still bleeding money everyday. And no, even if BTS come back in full force, their stock price certainly won't rise to 300k like before

    those are not the largest and still behind korean army I believe. US seems to be the largest cause they are english speaking country,and make them more vocal.

    Hahaha,almost. But yeah, kpop BG fans always 10 step ahead more toxic and fanatic than gg fans. I have colleague that still don't forgive IU to have picture with eunhyuk. But nothing beat the sickness of bg fans in my place when they decided to stand with seungri and made whole banner about it. :patheticcat:

    Then it's either Indonesia or Philippines. My guess is Indo cause boygroup stans there are WILD. Large population too. Filo fans seem milder. But then few weeks ago I saw a "march for suga" purple crowd in PH on twitter so...

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    I am sorry if you are bts fan and feel offended but I wish I was exaggerating. Since i work in country with the largest army fan base (guess where), all my tiktok fyp were full of them bashing MHJ, The parents, and Nj.From video to comments. The curse and swearing were insane. I had to ruin my algorithm so my fyp stop giving me kpop news.

    Thailand? The birthplace of hybe stream bot farms. I've seen plenty of retweet by Thai Tokkis defending the girls (in vain) from thai armys. They're super toxic and fanatic.

    so to summarise, MHJ did not in fact do or say anything to/about BTS and the reaction of fans was the result of misunderstandings and conjecture? thanks.

    don't worry about it, I did want to understand it fron fans perspective, so your input was valuable to me.

    YES. She didnt say shit. It was Hybe that bought it all up first WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE. They even released tons of articles slandered Newjeans and their parents, linking them with the 5050 case, calling them "Newfty Newfty". It was hell. They thought they could make MHJ surrender after 3 days of media torturing. They thought this bitch would kill herself and the Newjeans girls should get down on their knees and obey. At that time MHJ texted Lee Jae-Sang, the newly appointed Hybe CEO "Do you want me to kill myself" and he replied "We can sue you a criminal case. Shut up.Do you want to go to jail? ". She has no other choice but to open that presscon and save her life. Hybe since the beginning act like a fucking lowly thug, not an entertainment company. She never mentioned BTS FOR ONCE. It was after the presscon that swung the public opinion completely that K-netizens started digging into those rumours about BTS and Danworld/chart manipulating. Then armys get mad then spreading mistranslated, fake infos all over international social media even till now. Armys have NOTHING TO DO with this case since the beginning. But the kink to insert themselves into everything and the need to "protect Hybe = protect our oppas blood sweats and tears" or some fucking corny shit like that turned them into Hybe minions as we can see now.

    I remember before 31/5 when MHJ submitted the injunction that prevent Hybe from firing her, those fucking cultists laugh at her on the megathread. They thought for sure they would win in court and celebrate early. It was fucking corny. Shits like "lets wait till 31/5 then this evil bitch will root herself in jail". They made tons of memes about Mhj and Newjeans in jail. Then after she won, they doubled-down and switched their attacks on Newjeans. They wished death on all the 5 members, hoping they could get crashed by a car on twitter. They celebrated when Hyein was injured and has to sit out during How Sweet promo, called it "bts karma". They called the parents stupid and the Newjeans girls "paranoid, groomed, spoiled, ungrateful" everyday on every sub reddits AND THE MODS ALLOWED IT.

    Tokkis knew all the timeline. Ask me anything about these 6-months-of-hell and I will give it to you. Suddenly we have to became lawyer, finance reseacher, stock holder, journalist just to fight against those cult psychos. Even if Newjeans and MHJ were to cleared of all charges, the image of healthy and bright teenagers with no dramas are tarnished. And till this day armys still have the audacity to say "Newjeans are privileged and Hybe are not the one to harm them at all". Seriously, FUCK OFF.

    I mean she isn't even in charge of their songs if music is what the fans really truly actually care about then why does she matter? Unless fans don't actually care about the music.

    You probably still feel the difference I guess with their looks and MV maybe

    Tell me you know nothing about music producing without telling me you know nothing about music producing.

    ""I know nothing about music.” Music producer Rick Rubin says he can barely play any instruments, but says artists come to him because of “the confidence I have in my taste and my ability to express what I feel.”

    nuff said, or should I have to explain to you kpop normie about music producing or who Rick Rubin is? This is why no one except Kpop fans take Kpop seriously. You guys no shit about music. Most Kpop fans have no idea how incredibly valuable that production philosophy can be in a studio situation.

    But I want you to be honest with yourselves. Do you actually care about the art? Or are you only passionate about this pro-MHJ agenda because you think she gives them the best chance at charting

    If it's for the art, okay, fair. I see where you're coming from.

    If it's for the charts, I'm afraid you no longer know what it means to be a K-pop fan. You're just using the girls vicariously, perhaps weaponizing their achievements against other fandoms. And that often comes from a grudge, a desire for vengeance. Someone must have affected you this deeply to make you feel this way. Now your desire for vengeance is greater than your love for the artists.

    To be honest, no. I believe many of tokkis are just like me, non-kpop fans or get tired of kpop then come back because of Newjeans. There are many many of that case in the fandom. We don't really care THAT MUCH about charting. In the Newjeans discord server which has 50k members, no one talk about charts or streaming numbers or something like that. Just pure memes about Newjeans or bantering each other. On the Newjeans subreddit even, tokkis rarely talk about charts aswell. Let alone album sales, you might see it on twitter but thats not the norm. Many of us stan Newjeans because we love the "aesthetics", the atmosphere they gave FIRST. Then the songs, obviously. It was September 2022 that I watched Attention MV for the first time and then Hypeboy. I got hooked then decided to comeback to Kpop after nearly 10 years. I didn't even know they're a Hybe group, I thought they're from some mid-size company. Token stans who blabbering about charts, many of them are armys (they token stan NJ to fight with BP) which left after Ditto broke the PAK record. Thats the first wave. Many token stans or success stans left for other groups after Newjeans not having a comeback for 9 months. Thats the 2nd wave. And after 22/4, I don't think there are that many success stans left.Tokkies right now consist of loyal and hardcore fans and some trolls like that "badguy" clown, thats it. Why should we care about fking charts when our favourite group might be gone at any moment?

    Our fandom are much more diverse than nonfans think, thats why even though the streams and album sales are always good, we suck at voting or twitter trending or mass-streaming etc... Many of us just think it's kinda useless and don't contribute anything to the "art".

    Admit it, Newjeans are not your regular Kpop group. Under the OG Ador and MHJ, they have the best treatment I've ever seen. They are not overworked, they have a say in their music and choreo, have the best dorm (for a rookie group), stable schedule, vacations. They never guilt-trip us about being tired or overwork. They never show their weakness in front of us even though I'm sure there are many behind the scene. It's all good vibes. And it's all under OG Ador&MHJ management. Now tell us, why should we NOT side with MHJ, why should we not side with the girls's choice?


    You might like this song if you like Min Heejin

    Wrong wrong wrong on so many levels. Songs that you'll like if you like Min Heejin should be some bossa nova bullshits from 70s unknown artists in Portugal or Brazil. Our hipster QueenHeeJin don't listen to Kpop music for normies and so do we. Bjork is the answer!! Duran Duran(BSH's favourite btw) huh? We don't listen to overcommercialized industrial plants, no thank you.


    There are many more. K-female kpop stans are ruthless. Some of my favourite lines:

    "Would the amount of money I earn by writing like this enough to give my nephews and nieces some pocket money for Chuseok?"

    "My uncle came here to see his nephews and nieces, but you're not going to come out of your room even on this holiday to greet your relatives?"

    "Mom: The hard-earned money your old and hardworking mother give you is to find a job in your 40s, not to spend all day on the internet jerking off to young girls!
    GP999 user: But mom! I have a job already!
    Mom: What job?
    GP999 user: Hybe part-timers"

    I knew it was bad on twitter but this sounds way more worse :!: Would it really impact their charting though isn’t all fandom guilty for being a bit much and arrogant from time to time and isn’t this just a small percentage of the general public :?:

    It's WAY, WAY WORSE. You should NOT see any post about Karina/aespa made by them there. It's filthy disgusting. And you ask why I know this? It's because while NJ haters outside Korea are Karens from Iowa, inside Korea it's them. They're super duper malicious. Reeks of loser energy.

    If you lurk around K-forums you'll know the reason. LSF fans in Korea are notoriously famous for being a fandom full of INCELS. The famous DC inside sub, GirlsPlanet999, go there and you will understand why. They are obsessed with insulting all other gen4 groups aside from LSF and Illit. I'm not talking about twitter level. The insults there are x10 worse than twitter. They even have campaigns everyday to gather fake infos about NJ IVE Aespa mainly and spread it everywhere in mass. Mexjeans/sniper- those 2 hate accounts attacking Nj/aespa every single day are from there. Everytime they spread mass hate comments outside, other fandoms just call them "fat and stinky uncles". They don't even need to rebuttal anything, just "fat and stinky uncles have you take a bath today?". The gender war in Korea is much more serious than inter fans think. That's why no other fandoms want to interact with lsf's fandom and the GP ignores them. Middleschool and Highschool kids making fun of LSF at school because of their K- incels fandom. The more inter fans get fake infos from them, the more Korean GP will get away from lsf.

    1. Hybe lost first injunction.
    2. Investigation by police on-going.
    3. Belift & SoMu defamation case ongoing.
    4. Dismissal of MHJ confirmation case ongoing.
    5. New injuction filed by MHJ for reappointment to Ador CEO.
    6. Main lawsuit hasn't even been litigated yet.
    7. Employee B has a lawsuit against MHJ.

    Injunction was very damaging to Hybe, which means they'll most likely lose the main court case. The theory is since Hybe knows they'll probably lose they are trying to use SLAPP. They want to tire her out through multiple lawsuits and tie this up in court as long as they can. By the time they have to pay MHJ her put option, BTS will be back and their cashflow will have been improved.

    You missed one. MHJ sued 5 higher ups from Hybe, Source and Belift

    I know akp hates reddit but you guys REALLY should check out that thread above. It was WILD. They're trying everyyyythingg to defend a hugeass corporate against THEIR OWN BIAS. I'm kinda new to kpop fandom culture so this shit is freaking eye opening. One precious hour of my life for that thread but it was worth it

    Not an easy day for reddit mods. r/kpop locked the megathread immediately after it was confirmed that JK insta wasn't "hacked". r/kpopuncen or whatever the F it is suddenly create a megathread named literally "Newjeans" after allowing ~50 posts slander Newjeans everyday for over a week (still doesnt stop bitter hybe stans to create a new nj hate thread tho). Shit was hilarious. You can't even made that up.