Posts by knysom

    150B won is what Hybe paid to acquire the remaining 51% of Belift shares from CJ. How did that turn into Illit's investment amount lol? Mediaplay still going strong I see. https://koreajoongangdaily.joi…NM/20230810150855215.html


    Thanks for commenting. The story did not mention the cost of acquiring BELIFT being included --- if the number to purchase was 150B won and the ILLIT Budget number the story says is also 150B won, does that mean they didn't spend any money on ILLIT promotions?

    I'm also asking for any other articles because this number seems really high. Even if TV production costs came into play, it would not cost that much. I only saw bits and pieces of RUNEXT, I doubt the budget is on par with a serialized TV show.



    Interesting if true...

    Difference in Investments ILLIT Received Compared to NewJeans Draws Attention
    Amid the feud between Min Hee Jin, the CEO of ADOR, and HYBE, the investment the major company placed in ILLIT versus NewJeans was released. #NewJeans #뉴진스…

    Amid the feud between Min Hee Jin, the CEO of ADOR, and HYBE, the investment the major company placed in ILLIT versus NewJeans was released.

    Though a few days have passed, the internet is still buzzing about Min Hee Jin's press conference. During the conference, Min Hee Jin accused HYBE of several things, including copying NewJeans' formula of success for ILLIT's debut. Now, how much money HYBE invested in both groups has been compared.

    On April 29, 2024, Korean media outlet Newsen reported on how much HYBE invested in both ILLIT (BELIFT Lab) and NewJeans (ADOR) for their debuts.

    During the press conference, Min Hee Jin claimed HYBE neglected NewJeans. To counter this, HYBE revealed just how much they invested in NewJeans. They reportedly provided 16.1 billion KRW (approximately $11,664,390.43 USD) for Min Hee Jin to establish ADOR.

    The money Min Hee Jin received went into the production of NewJeans' debut. This includes flying not only the members, but staff as well, overseas to film the music videos for "Hype Boy" and "Attention." Additionally, this money went into staffing fees, administrative costs, and more.

    Amid the buzz, news channel broadcasters Kim Eo Jun and Park Si Dong revealed just how much ILLIT received for their debut.

    According to the two, ILLIT received 150 billion KRW (approximately $108,675,975.00 USD). This means, in USD, ILLIT received $97,011,584.57 more than NewJeans. This money includes activities ILLIT embarked on before making their debut. After the final line-up was determined from the survival show "R U NEXT?" the members of ILLIT went on to film new content, such as reality shows, for fans.

    Can any other sources corroborate this? That number for ILLIT is astronomical.



    So again, for those bothered by how I message myself, if you have OCD you know.

    If you mind it that much, just block me so you don't have to see my posts, I take no offense.

    But please - do not push me to stop how I prefer to interact in this forum.

    This is turning into a "stop this person from being who they are" and hey whatever floats your boat, feel free to ignore me. This place has a block feature.



    Watch some crazy fck on X spin this as...

    "NJ visited V a few days ago to convince him to leave HYBE and join Ador"

    "V leaving HYBE to join Ador"

    "BTS joining V to Ador"

    "Ador changing name to MMB, Modeun mun-eul bangtan aka All Doors are Bulletproof"


    But humor is a great coping mechanism so don't mind me as I meme while everything crumbles



    Pretty much me at times. This has been a complete WTF. Like, I just wanted a normal week. I'm already dealing with a ton of shit offline and now this?!?!?!

    Colleagues: "When can you approve this review gateway?!?!"

    Me: "I'd still like to have this feasibility report veri....wait, what?!?! Hold on let me go on AKP real quick"


    People need to stop pushing the "NJ should leave Hybe" narrative. If that is what you really think, you're either naive or have nothing but malicious intent.

    There is no good outcome for NewJeans that would involve leaving Hybe. Period.


    Unfortunately, them staying doesn't sound great either?

    Unless, IMO...

    - MHJ is found innocent, that VP takes the fall and things move forward amicably (is this even likely at this point? Too many BUT's for this scenario right?)

    - BELIFT adjusts ILLIT's concepts for their next release to avoid any claims (why should they? they didn't before release, they have a hit single which should only amplify they did the right thing that's best for their company plus they got Hitman support)

    and with that out of way, I present my tinfoil conspiracy theory of the hour...

    BANG, MHJ and BELIFT are all in cahoots to drum up publicity for HYBE, ILLIT debut and NJ Comeback.

    They are all in the secret green room on the 19th floor around the corner from the auditorium laughing their asses off at us while they sip their iced americanos. LOL


    And if they are able to split out from Hybe (They won't), they would lose many of those endorsements, because Hybe would force companies to chose sides, and most would side with Hybe.


    That's debatable. HYBE will have to come with replacements to those endorsement companies, and those companies wanted the "NewJeans" brand in the first place. It depends.

    I'll focus only on Korea based companies for a second because while HYBE will try to exert its influence with Foreign companies, that shit won't work with everybody. Imagine, Bang PD and Scooter trying to talk to Nike or CK to get them to cut NJ loose? Yeah.....whoever backs NJ likely exerts international influence and is a direct competitor. Anyway, back to my point...

    Would SK Telecom want ILLIT to hawk their brand instead of NJ? Watch NJ get fully onboard with KT Telecom whose been competing with SK Telecom.

    It really goes both ways here.



    The anti comprehension is really low. The comments are strictly emotional with cherry picked data and information that only highlight what they want. It's dirty data and the epitome of "alternative facts" coined by Kellyanne Conway. It's always been true.

    If Bang and HYBE get what they want, they get to write their own version of history, you'll see.


    Those highlighting NJ's brand deals and mocking the "discrimination" and "mistreatment" comments from MHJ don't really know that's not how it works and it ain't the whole story (again only going off of what they want to hear and pushing that narrative because it aligns with their own thoughts and feelings).

    Mistreatment could mean a variety of things. Unless you've experienced the "golden handcuffs" how could you possibly know?

    What do you expect from this media play?


    Back on topic: not really an update but Koreans are ripping the absolute hell out of her for equating this nonsense to the Korean Independence movement

    And thousands of comments against NewJeans and their parents. Thanks for protecting NJ Hybe


    That supposed "let's protect the girls" comment from HYBE is media play too. HYBE only sees NewJeans as stock and assets. They are a commodity worth billions at the moment. In their mind if NJ falters, the loss will only be for the short term. In their mind they'll get it back with ILLIT. If they don't, they'll start another group to replace those girls too ---- Bang already knows this and already has plans for it. He ain't dumb. If the backlash against ILLIT gets bad too, he'll slowly distance himself from that and focus on the new gg coming up. He loves the west and partnering up with Geffen and UMG you see the writing on the wall.

    Let's be real, you can see it in the media play - from the fake Hyein copycat comments to Hybe sending their own trucks only for KTokki's to call them out on the fakeness of it. They are literally trying to tarnish the brand to stand up their own assets. It's a classic play.

    HYBE is literally Costco. Let's put as many products on the shelf, those that don't make us the profit we want, go to the back and eventually get discontinued quietly.



    Hitman ain't dumb. Once NJ blew up, he was already planning a way to keep MHJ in check. He saw what happened with NJ's debut and then following that up with Ditto and OMG? RU NEXT came out in June (around the time of NJ's GETUP promos). I'm not familiar with Korea's pre-production process, but typically outside of SK program pre-production starts much earlier. It's possible RUNEXT the program was being planned as early as Q4 2022 or Q1 2023. Based on what we heard about the shenanigans with that program, Bang was already visualizing the NJ replacement.

    MHJ probably didn't have time to wait 2 years.


    Saying that NewJeans will be fine without HYBE is delusional. HYBE will try to blacklist them off the face of the earth. The Korean GP hates traitors. They won’t go on music shows. They won’t have Korean concerts. And international fans tend to follow their Korean counterparts.


    It really isn't delusional. Don't you know? Just because it's never happened before, doesn't mean it won't ever happen. Does critical thinking not apply here?

    Korean GP hates traitors but doesn't every country? That shit is all perception anyway.

    You even said it yourself "will try" to blacklist. To do what? Push GP opinion away from them? You don't think Korean celebrities are already working to force Government for more protection for themselves? Did we already forget what happened to Lee Sun Kyun? Do you think its ok for some massive corporate entity to stop someone from working and the GP will be ok with it? NJ can easily post on YT and share their truth if they end up leaving. They'll have their haters sure....but human nature also dictates they'll have their supporters.

    As an international fan, I'm following my Korean counterparts now on who I like? Nah B, you off with this.

    That ain't for me and there are millions who feel the same way (and when I say that, I mean being sheep).

    I think this forum has talked about it ad nauseam already, Korea doesn't have the monopoly on the global music industry. Watch some American Label be crazy enough to pick up MHJ if she gets ousted. When it comes to talent, companies will pay and take the good with the bad for profit. I see this everywhere and history is littered with examples of iffy people but have crazy talent and vision always having something. It'll be hilarious and I'll watch the AKP spin doctors try to come up with their next conspiracy theories.

    Now if you don't mind, Liz got that no bangs look going on, I'll go check out my girl.
