Posts by knysom

    Thanks. I know netz claimed that what the stylist/Ador did was done often in the industry but wasn't sure of this until this article:

    "변호사들은 이번 하이브 측이 제기한 광고 계약 건에 대해 횡령·배임을 적용하는 건 어렵다는 의견을 내놓고 있습니다. 광고업계 역시 "어도어가 주장하는 부분은 현재도 빈번하게 이뤄지고 있다"고 말합니다."

    Looks like it is indeed the industry practice what the stylist/Ador was doing and Hybe will be hard pressed/difficult to prove that that was embezzlement.


    Yes, I've read the same thing as well. We just really have to be on the lookout for folks like Sean Lim. It's strictly for clickbait and sensationalist faux journalism so he can get clicks, he reminds me of Skip Bayless and Nick Wright, all talk no substance. Content spewing just for engagement with little ethics.



    Hi Sean!


    Will you hate me if I tell you I stream both of these?


    BACK TO BACK!!!!!



    If Hybe were smart, and REALLY cared about NewJeans' future and fans, and weren't totally inept at the PR game THEY started, they would release a very thorough statement breaking down what their roadmap would be for NewJeans, with a promise that they will not sideline them and do what it takes to maintain their trajectory as the top girl group in the industry.

    THAT would instantly bring so many Bunnies to their side, but they're too arrogant and ignorant to do that.


    You know, like most sensible people, I simply walked into this whole thing thinking it should have been handled behind closed doors. I would be SHOCKED if they gave a roadmap.



    We already know those folks are only saying that because NJ is blocking their faves. This fake concern shit is pathetic. Just be real about your shit and own it. If you hate NJ and want them to fail, just say so! I'll respect you more for being real. Hiding behind the guise of "it'll be good for them to take a break" is nuts considering its already been 10 months. There's even been threads in this forum about their prolonged break and now they may have to go on another one?



    Sending newjeans on an extensive tour would offer an easy short term solution. That could take about 6 months with breaks, time Hybe could use to figure out the creative path forward

    Still nor sure how serious I should take Hybe's mention of getting a "grammy winning" producer on board. The candidates seem pretty limited l, and if they go with a foreign one there will be a bit of a language barrier with some of the members as well. The only name I could think of was Andrew Watt who is managed by Scooter Braun, but he is quite in demand in general. Though only somebody like that I could kinda understand why it would take so long to get him as he will have many other commitments


    This makes too much sense for them to actually do it. It would be beneficial, the members get to tour and meet bunnies world wide and do the songs they love, HYBE will make their money and after a few months, take a break to re-assess.

    That grammy statement by Park JiWon was straight up lip service.


    I'm pretty sure Hybe can't just move them to other labels without their consent.


    Sadly - if they win this and boot MHJ out, Hitman and his henchmen can run this however they want.

    If he can bench one of the most successful kpop gg's of all time, he can do this to anyone. It's infuriating really, all because he wants to.

    You know, his karma will come and his downfall will be epic, we just don't know how or when it'll happen. But it will.


    That would be such a sad thing for them. While I'm realistic about the injunction, I can't help but wish the best for them. Right now BSH/Hybe is like a bull in a china shop.

    I think you're right that Ador will be cannibalized if MHJ is gone and whatever song/s or plans MHJ may have had ready for NJs likely won't go to them/utilized for them. But then again BSH's taste seems questionable since he thought Hype Boy and Attention would fail. Also, not sure he can execute on MHJ's vision unless she laid it out step by step for them already.


    This is why my hunch is they will take the content on those devices from the audit and filter that down to ILLIT while NJ is benched. Unless MHJ is able to take those items as her IP (which if she is fired, she will have to sue for and I don't know if she'll be successful in getting those unreleased assets back). I think sadly, NJ will be benched permanently - go thru a soft disband. Hitman won't keep them because it's going to be a constant reminder for him of what happened and his ego is the biggest one in the room.



    Option 4 - The tin foil hat red button nuke.

    - NJ gets in touch with Pharrell who calls Kendrick and with a feature from Taylor Swift (who isn't pleased with UMG's handling of the TikTok situation and Scooter's involvement with ANYTHING) drop a diss track against Hitman and Park JiWon.

    - International fans join the Korean fans in support of NJ after the song debuts at #1 in all charts.

    - Lucian Grainge is aggravated even more (after dealing with the Diddy lawsuit, the Drake/Kendrick beef and the fact that UMG shareholders are fighting his $149M bonus) and calls in BSH and Scooter to his office.

    - Hybe shares tank, BSH and Park Ji Won are fired due to incompetence.

    - My dude Namjoon gets named CEO at Hybe and cleans house, keeping only the cool people and lets MHJ continue with NJ and Ador.

    - LSSF continues to get support thanks to the genius of my dude Namjoon (yeah, he's that guy).

    - BELIFT gets a proper creative makeover so that Enhypen and ILLIT can finally be free from those asshats that run BELIFT.

    - Jennie visits NY, runs into me at the local Trader Joe's and we take a selfie together.


    With the amount of distrust going on between both sides I won't rule out Hybe and Ador having all kinds of crazy suspicions about each other. Hybe's lukewarm response to the parents might even be Hybe thinking they're involved too. And then the parents see it more from MHJ's perspective to the point that they fear Hybe's words mean that NewJeans will be shelved indefinitely. Just a continuous cycle of distrust that somehow will have to be broken and rebuild into a more stable relationship if they want to continue together.


    Do think it's possible at this point? I've been feeling like they are past the point of no return and I hope I am wrong! IMO, the only way this gets resolved is if the leadership on both sides compromise and judging from the "mudslinging" it'll take some growing up to do and quite frankly, it will probably require a 3rd party mediator or someone above Hitman to resolve this.

    At the end of the day, this is about leadership sorely lacking and completely misdiagnosing.

    This is like a lesson in WHAT NOT TO DO in crisis management.



    I originally put Super Shy levels --- which let's not dismiss, was HUGE both commercially and critically.

    After a few days, I think I'm leaning more to this becoming their biggest one yet.

    My sentiment is folks will see these releases as their last one as NJ in its current form. Whatever happens after Bunnies Camp, NJ will not be the same. That part sucks and I really hope I'm wrong on this.

    Unless Vincent Bollore interferes (why would he and he won't), BSH will get his away UNLESS something controversial happens and Lucian has to get rid of him.


    If they're really looking for a grammy producer, they would just have him work with Illit.


    This is a great point. At the end of the day, Hitman is more invested in the success of Illit. The resources would go to them to ensure their success. Didn't they also take laptops from Ador during the audit? Who knows what type of concepts are in those things as well, disguised under the ruse of checking for illegalities. Hybe could very easily use those concepts, songs, etc. for their own (Bang's) best interest since they "own" it right?

    I'm going to enjoy the last few weeks of NJ as is, as awful as this has all been.



    That same article Sportschosun deleted or is this a new article? If it's the deleted one, it was debunked to the point Sportschosun deleted it and is getting creamed by knetz for posting it (supposedly the writer has been writing pro-hybe articles since the incident, attacking MHJ and NJ).

    It's been mentioned that song is a cleared sample and has been used 13 times over the years.

    Maybe the gents from the band don't own their masters and have no idea? It happens sometimes.



    They even had context for things and certain statements. This was a good translation and it shows why a majority of the Korean GP started siding with MHJ. Too bad it wasn't available sooner, people already have formed opinions.
