Posts by knysom

    Neither of those fonts are original typography that can be copyrighted, just licensed. Magic Funk is pretty much the go-to font to create a retro effect and you can't trademark a logo that's just a mere font and nothing else. I think every retro concept in kop has used that font at one point


    Spot on regarding the fonts.

    Me and my sister were actually just taking about Jeans the other day. I grew up in a part Spanish household and we listened to (obviously) a ton Latin American music. Blame my parents, we had vinyl so we heard everything! Regarding groups there was Menudo, Barrio Boyz, Flans and Pandora, Fandango. WEPAAAA!!!! Latin POP has originated so many styles y'all can't even imagine. I think that may have been what's attracted me to KPOP. It's a mashup of the musical melting pot you'll see around the world.

    Graphic design fonts aside, NJ DOES NOT sound anything like JNS. This is actually pretty funny and now I gotta call my sister to talk about this.



    My answer: I don't know and it doesn't look good. They are getting dragged everywhere. Even if the intention of the individual was to shade only either Hybe or MHJ, it doesn't matter, NJ has been impacted (so has ILLIT and LSSF for that matter) Even their parents have gotten dragged in by some people whose never had kids and would NOT understand what it's like to raise one. You have people online who misconstrue inspiration vs plagiarism, promotion vs payola and who have no understanding of how music industry machinations work. You have "reporters" whose sole purpose is to get clicks and views without asking "should I print this story even if its conjecture and interpretation" and worse bloggers pretending to be journalists, and "fans" with their fake care.

    IMO, right now the members can't win. If they stay with MHJ, they'll have the full weight of their unlimited number of haters to pounce on and attempt to destroy anything they put out. If they stay with HYBE, they'll get benched and they'll still have a cadre of haters shooting for their downfall even if they comeback.

    Lastly, put yourself in their shoes. How could you trust EITHER ONE of MHJ and HYBE to have your best intentions after everything that has happened?


    You don't make billions of dollars by being a fuckin saint. Everyone in the industry that makes that type of money didn't do so innocently


    PREEEEEACH. Let's keep it a buck, those who make that money in this industry did it by stepping on someone. Eventually the karma catches up and we are seeing examples of successful music industry types now getting their asses handed to them (Diddy, Drake, JayZ, JLO, even Lucian getting dragged)

    ADOR is owned by HYBE

    whose distro is owned by UMG

    who is owned by Bollore

    who is ran by Vincent Bollore

    who by the way....

    has been known for human rights violations in SEA and African nations.

    This ain't no tin foil hat shit either, read up folks.



    Leave my girl Jennifer and the rest of LSSF out of this. I've been seeing the word "plagiarism" being thrown around like friggin' quarter water at my local Brooklyn Bodega.

    Ok, first off, this has been an issue with the music industry for years. But I digress...

    I will say that I'm actually hearing this more as a chord progression and that's something you can't really own (nobody owns this and most pop songs are built on three or four progressions). BTW, rhythm and structure of a song are generally not protected as copyright (in the US anyway) and requires a court of a law to discern it as such if someone brings in a case. The last high profile one I was aware of was Ed Sheeran winning against the estate of Marvin Gaye who claimed copyright infringement. Ed Sheeran won on this. 2x.

    Even if a song sounds similar, doesn't necessarily mean it's plagiarism. Even if the chord progressions and rhythm are similar, it's not necessarily plagiarism. Inspiration maybe?

    For those in the know regarding Korean copyright and sampling laws, is it the same there?



    Just reading the back and forth between our fellow AKP'ers it's been mentioned that the YTer is a known Hybe supporter and is friends with the BigHit VP and that he never actually saw the texts, he reconstructed them based on what was seen in the court, but others have mentioned that the text messages were never released in court. However, if the text messages do turn out to be true, it's certainly quite damaging to the picture of motherly connection that's been portrayed so far.

    Either way, it can very easily be misconstrued as fact when its just conjecture at this point. It's quite striking to see the similarities with this controversy and the current political media play that's been prevalent in the US for quite some time.

    The one thing I would like to point out, if this was all true and I'm HYBE, the first thing I'm showing are those text messages to the Parents - this way I can have them on my side right off the bat. I'm not saving these as my red button. I'm showing them ASAP. We don't know if they did that, but judging from the parents wanting to stick with MHJ it's really turned into a HYBE said Vs. Ador said. There's always three sides to the truth... HYBEs side, ADOR's side, and the actual truth. The latter we will never really know since NONE of us are behind the scenes, we are only taking opinions based on what's actually beneficial for our viewpoints.

    I'm still trying to process how poorly this has all been executed on both sides. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - this is a class in "what not to do" in crisis management. Both sides are utterly devoid of strategic planning and professionalism. If I'm a shareholder, I'm voting for all these folks to get the axe (Park JiWon, MHJ, all folks associated with this assholery - Hitman will be hard to move since he's the majority sh).


    :sweat: Right? I noticed a lot of U.S. political maneuvers in this fight, especially from Hybe. Maybe influence from their U.S. execs like Scooter Braun.

    Lawfare play, drown out the other side with negative media play even if proven false later, and so much more. It's really ironic.

    I'm trying to catch up on the thread but I may give up if the page count keeps going like this.

    lol maybe I'll just go have a nice night out with acquaintances and check back later when the dust settles.


    Do it! It's Friday where I am. One of the benefits and I guess a curse of working from home on certain days is I get to work at a leisurely pace. I'm seriously about to duck out when the clock hits 5. I just might have a beer or two, or three with my peoples.

    Media play is so prevalent here, its like US news and Korea news take notes from each other. Dispatch is literally TMZ and vice versa!



    I gotta say, SK reminds me more and more of the corruption in the US by the day.

    I know its not exclusive to those countries either, but man we're all more alike than we realize.

    We're so antagonistic towards each other, we all always have to be in the right, everybody who doesn't agree is wrong and nefarious.

    Even avenues of life that is meant to be celebrated and enjoyed like art and music are easily corrupted, it's nuckin futs.

    At this point I want to live in space. Someone build a friggin rocket ship so I can get the fck outta dodge.


    I think it's cool both as Haerins weird signature or something that becomes trendy amongst idols like the finger heart or apple heart.


    Unfortunately, anything ILLIT does that may have even the slightest similarity or even reminds someone of something NJ did will get called out. I'm not saying it's right, but it's the reality that BELIFT and HYBE put them in.

    The eyes are on them even more now --- equally concerning is this gut feeling I have that it just feels like they TOO are getting set up. I hope they have a monster come back - if they don't, Hitman and his gang of fckity fcks will find a way to get them out of the way too.

    This is all too friggin' psychotic !!!


    j/k, I'm only thinking happy thoughts.

    giphy (1).gif

    Trying to anyway.


    Almost 20+ years of connections in this industry won't dissappear overnight, I think there is potential for both NJ and MHJ to do well in the future.


    IMO this is why HYBE is pushing for that non-compete. They know she will land somewhere and whatever she does, it'll probably be pretty big or groundbreaking. It'll be a blow to their egos.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all if she landed stateside or in Japan. Shit, it wouldn't even surprise me if she ended up at Warner since they compete with UMG on EVERYTHING.



    I'm sayin'!!!! LOL

    The Kendrick vs Drake beef is global!

    Check this out:

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    I thought this was pretty controversial for my personal tastes as a human being:

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    Thanks. I know netz claimed that what the stylist/Ador did was done often in the industry but wasn't sure of this until this article:

    "변호사들은 이번 하이브 측이 제기한 광고 계약 건에 대해 횡령·배임을 적용하는 건 어렵다는 의견을 내놓고 있습니다. 광고업계 역시 "어도어가 주장하는 부분은 현재도 빈번하게 이뤄지고 있다"고 말합니다."

    Looks like it is indeed the industry practice what the stylist/Ador was doing and Hybe will be hard pressed/difficult to prove that that was embezzlement.


    Yes, I've read the same thing as well. We just really have to be on the lookout for folks like Sean Lim. It's strictly for clickbait and sensationalist faux journalism so he can get clicks, he reminds me of Skip Bayless and Nick Wright, all talk no substance. Content spewing just for engagement with little ethics.



    Hi Sean!


    Will you hate me if I tell you I stream both of these?


    BACK TO BACK!!!!!



    If Hybe were smart, and REALLY cared about NewJeans' future and fans, and weren't totally inept at the PR game THEY started, they would release a very thorough statement breaking down what their roadmap would be for NewJeans, with a promise that they will not sideline them and do what it takes to maintain their trajectory as the top girl group in the industry.

    THAT would instantly bring so many Bunnies to their side, but they're too arrogant and ignorant to do that.


    You know, like most sensible people, I simply walked into this whole thing thinking it should have been handled behind closed doors. I would be SHOCKED if they gave a roadmap.



    We already know those folks are only saying that because NJ is blocking their faves. This fake concern shit is pathetic. Just be real about your shit and own it. If you hate NJ and want them to fail, just say so! I'll respect you more for being real. Hiding behind the guise of "it'll be good for them to take a break" is nuts considering its already been 10 months. There's even been threads in this forum about their prolonged break and now they may have to go on another one?



    Sending newjeans on an extensive tour would offer an easy short term solution. That could take about 6 months with breaks, time Hybe could use to figure out the creative path forward

    Still nor sure how serious I should take Hybe's mention of getting a "grammy winning" producer on board. The candidates seem pretty limited l, and if they go with a foreign one there will be a bit of a language barrier with some of the members as well. The only name I could think of was Andrew Watt who is managed by Scooter Braun, but he is quite in demand in general. Though only somebody like that I could kinda understand why it would take so long to get him as he will have many other commitments


    This makes too much sense for them to actually do it. It would be beneficial, the members get to tour and meet bunnies world wide and do the songs they love, HYBE will make their money and after a few months, take a break to re-assess.

    That grammy statement by Park JiWon was straight up lip service.
