Posts by whips

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    this is mildly bothering me that they got the order of the girls in that tweet wrong :cryingr:

    The girls in the bottom row from left to right are moka - iroha - yunah, NOT iroha - moka - yunah :cryingr:

    Anyway i think iroha has the potential to become the most popular in the group based on visuals alone. Btw the minju that you despise looks so much like a 3-way mix breed between shinee’s minho, stayc’s seeun and the actress jun ji hyun to me in that pic :pepe-joy:

    You’re expecting too much from kpop stans lol satire doesn’t exist in their vocabulary and you could wear a neon sign on your head saying you’re making a joke and they’d still believe you were being deadass serious 😂

    It’s honestly baffling that so few people seem to get this mv’s obvious message - you can literally see in her demeanors that somi’s making a joke every single scene with the overt references to typical ott trashy bragging culture in hiphop, and she’s just having fun with it after putting her own youthful spin on what was supposed to be “hard swag” or whatever, but peeps are actually dissecting it as if she’s seriously trying to be “a serious rap god” like cl or gragon i can’t 😂 it boggles the mind how little grasp some factions have on comedic intelligence, it’s insane

    Feels bad for people not aware of the brilliance they’re missing

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    Yeah, I definitely prefer everything about this in comparison to Flash Forward.

    I think it works as a B-side/side track, and I think it would have been bad if she released this as the main title rather than Fast Forward since this isn't really her image (which I suppose is the point). Though I find this more entertaining and fun overall.

    oh for sure. I really dislike the flash forward mv lol it’s very incohesive aesthetically speaking and poorly edited and directed, the story’s “plot” is pretty cliched and bland and the “acting” also didn’t help 😬 Gold gold gold is way more aware of its core message and committed to delivering it in an outlandishly entertaining way. Somi also suits this fun-having image a lot more and was way more natural at pulling it off. It’s obviously not supposed to be taken seriously when she’s literally joking in every scene and poking fun at the “rapper swag culture” but looks like the satire flew right over some peeps’ heads lol which is not surprising ig considering who they stan 😂

    This mv is way better than flash forward and frankly much more enjoyable and likable than a lot of stuff other yg idols put out under their brand of “serious ghetto swag” lmao

    When you do this type of ott bragging it’s best to have fun with it and not take yourself too seriously bc you’re aware of its ridiculousness and just here to poke some light-heartened fun at it anyway. But when you start to buy into your own hype and actually believe you’re superiorly serious…. 😂

    lol i'm just pointing out some of life's twists and turns. How unpredictable it is. Twice was ruling the world in 2018 and Somi and Natty were nowhere to be found, if someone had told you that in five years, Somi and Natty would be rocketing up the charts like this, would you have believed them?? lol, you woulda laughed in their face and thought they were crazy with a k.

    Nah as someone with a brain i would never scoff at that possibility :pepe-use-head: bc 5 years is a long time in pop music culture, and digital charting is as fickle as the next fad emerging and dying within a blink of an eye. What matters is what you do with your 15 minutes of fame, and whether you succeeded in turning your brief moment of relevance into a sustained career or if you squandered it away. Considering twice managed to escape the one hit wonder route and has accumulated a massive fandom and huge earnings after 8 years, that’s an achievement that can’t be used to compare to the next trendy thing that hasn’t had the chance to prove that it won’t fade into obscurity soon like most of the rest of them. The comparison doesn’t have a lot of leg to stand on in the first place.

    Are you seriously suggesting that charting one or two songs higher on freaking melon’s floor can compete with a resume as illustrious as twice’s members who are literally millionaires now and can boast about a string of mega hits they bagged throughout their career? Bruh you need to upgrade your trolling material you’re turning braindead like bbb’s threads :skull:

    Obligatory twin swaps plug :pepe-smug: :twerkingpepe:

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    Class division is at its worst ever with millionaires and billionaires robbing the plebs blind every single second, but mfs are out here getting offended over the dumbest possible shit like the braindeads that they are. Yall ain’t achieving a single damn thing with the stupid battles you choose to fight on. What a load of horseshit with shit-for-brains

    Blop. The verses are a bop but the chorus is really repetitive.

    the “i just learnt a new dance” hook is truly the weakest part of the song lol but the rest is good! for some reason i love harvey’s part in the bridge lol ik her voice can be an “acquired taste” for some people but i vibe with it and her execution of her lines :dancer-pepe:

    Well, i wasnt complaining about it just stating fax. X( XG literally is a carbon copy of NJ but that doesnt mean their music is bad. On the contrary, their music is actually superior to NJ.

    NJ has one bop so far, OMG which is a 9 out of 10. XG has three bops, which means XG has a better ratio of bops to flops/blops.

    you can probably give a lecture on “my taste is irredeemably terrible and here’s exhibit a, and b, and c, etc.” with the rich history you’ve demonstrated so far, and will most likely continue to do in the future :pepe-cringe:

    Also claiming xg is a “literal carbon copy” of nj when they have songs like shooting star and grl gvng and tgif, and continuing to double down on it is truly a bizarre hill you insist to die on :pepe-cringe:

    I mean ik your ears ain’t working but even your eyes too? :sweatr:

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    How does nj have any similarities with this?? Lol senile old man strikes again