There is no debt remaining in Source Music.
Hybe US is in debt as they acquired various R&B and Latin labels.
There is no debt remaining in Source Music.
Hybe US is in debt as they acquired various R&B and Latin labels.
Display MoreYeah. I'm starting to see that. It seems they are conceding that Korea is a lost cause, and they are focused more on US & Japan.
I'm a little skeptical about this direction since SoMu is in the red with a lot of debt, and Hybe USA has lost/is losing a bunch of money. I don't know how sustainable this is.
I may be wrong, but streaming doesn't make that much money. That must mean it has to be made up in terms of physical sales, merch, touring and endorsements.
This feels like VCs burning money for unprofitable tech/hyper growth. It is a boom/bust strategy.
Big picture Korea doesn't matter.
The 2 big markets are US and Japan, and are 20 and 10 times the Korean market respectively. 1 / (20 + 10 + 1) = 3.2%. Twice I would say own Japan and the US touring-wise currently. Lsf seem to be on track to replicate this as a 4th gen group.
Perfect Night was released in almost an empty house. Yes Ive and Aespa released earlier but their songs really stunk. It was a good song, but it wasn't a great song.
So it was inevitable, when the other songs at the time had zero repeatability.
Nice. It means
This further confirms US makes or breaks the Spotify charting for most 4th gen girl groups. NJ didn't chart on US Spotify and their debut streams fell by nearly a million. Crazy has 1.5M streams w/o US.
Aespa is the only 4th gen GG that managed 2M streams without charting on US Spotify even once. After Like is the only IVE tt to do 2M+ and it charted in US too.
Some groups are pulling as huge numbers from Indonesia.
I'm thinking this is huge.
They own Japan.
If they can own US, thats the #1 and #2 biggest markets.
The Japanese market is 10 times the Korean Market. The US market is 20 times the Korean market. Combined its 30 to 1, so roughly Korea is 3.2% of the total US/Japanese/Korea markets combined. Thats not including any other countries.
If you want to understand how Hybe fired her legally
In a nutshell, she was fired by the Board of Directors of Ador from the board, not shareholders at a shareholders meeting. The board is not bound by any shareholders agreement, as technically they are two different entities. Because she is no longer on the board, she cannot be the CEO, and because she is not the CEO, the put options are no longer binding.
My understanding now is the shares are totally separate to everything else, and that if MHJ damages Hybe or any of its sublabels, there is no guarantee for a x13 Put option anymore.
That is why Source Music, BeLift and everyone else is suing MHJ directly and not Ador. That was what was strange to me previously, as to why everyone was suing MHJ directly. Now it makes sense.
As we all know, defamation cases are slam dunks in Korea, as even if you "defame" a rapist publicly and the rapist sues you for defamation, even if that person did rape someone, then you lose the defamation case.
She had me fooled. I gave her all the credit for bringing a cultural reset into KPop with NJ's casting, their sound and visual concepts.
But now, it seems like she stole everything from groups like that Japanese GG Speed and the Mexican group, and all of NJ music is just retread stuff from some rando artist named Pink Pantherers. Even the members themselves were picked by Source, they werent even handpicked by her i think.
I considered her a true visionary before
and she is def not that. She still should get credit for concocting the right mix of sound and concepts. Good rather than visionary.
All she did was decide on what they wear, and that turned out to be just a copy of "Jeans", the Mexican group.
She couldn't even think of an original name, and just added New in front of "Jeans".
There is a difference between *digusting* and *digusting* stan. *Digusting* stan is someone who is ok with it.
Not all NJs fans are ok with it. But many mincheonji, MHJ stans, are ok with it
1st half of teaser meh
2nd half seems promising
Initially support would be based if you were a NJs fan or not.
Now after so many months, so many issues have come out, and who you really support would depend on your CORE VALUES.
Are you pro-female or anti-feminist?
Are you anti-theft or pro-theft?
Are you anti-bullying/sexual harassment or pro-bullying/sexual harassment?
Are you anti-pedo or pro-adult minor love?
Are any going to the NJ members? And when do they move to Source Music or Zico's company?
I doubt MHJ wants to pay $700 million USD for them. She will never get ROI in 7 years. How can they when last year their profit was $30 million.
Once they busted her arse that she was attempting to steal Ador, that big steal plan was no longer possible, and since then they were just pawns in her game and still are to exit with as much of a severance payout as possible.
They should have sat on the fence like that injunction judge. Fortunately for them, they haven't sided with MHJ that much, and can pull a Keena.
What is funny is Hybe chose to fire her now rather than a lot earlier. Thats because they wanted to milk as much money from the pedo stans in their 2 recent comebacks which failed to #1 on Melon, and if they fired her earlier the pedo stans wouldn't bulk buy the albums and merch.
You can just block. I'm sure more than 1/2 the regulars have me on block, since Ive + NJ fans make up more than 50% of the users here.
But I was right about Ive, and I will be right about NJ, and really for them it could have been so different if a certain individual didn't want to take an entire company away from its owners.
I think this should be easily disputable in court by mhj basis the temporary injunction?
Did the court ruling have a specific end date?
It was only for the board meeting a couple of days later.
At that time Hybe saw there were thousands of paid bots and paid smear campaigns in play, so used the next 3 months to neutralize them and her other allies.
I wouldn't be surprised that they transfer them to Zico's sublabel or even Source Music since they basically did everything except dress them up in Y2K clothes.