Posts by Yan20

    Points taken

    Yan20 what do you say?

    I would disagree. Not only does the CPC have an opposition party, it has 7 opposition parties in the central Government, and hundreds of opposition parties in specific local elections, and hundreds of non-affiliated opposition. Operating in a coalition does not mean they are without an opposition, coalitions are not always going to agree on issues. It also has to tackle an entire House, where the CPC has 0 party members (because it isn't allowed any), and a Supreme Court, where the CPC also cannot influence decisions, and has the power to strike down CPC legislation and challenge the Government.

    I would say this misconception that the WPK in DPRK, CPC in China, are completely unchallenged, is one of America's greatest propaganda successes. It is filled with so many subtle influences you wouldn't even notice unless you looked. For example, American media refers to the CPC as the CPP, the Chinese Communist Party, instead of their real name, the CPC, the Communist Party of China. This subtle language change that has become widely adopted implies that the CPP is the Chinese government, as in, the only party to exist in China.

    Not only does the CPC constantly have to haggle with opposition and independents at elections to maintain its United Front, it also gives its large autonomous regions complete self control in much of their affairs. The Central Government has less power than most people would think.

    separation of you do think primary national policies and decisions are made in North Korea, China, Russia today?

    I can tell you how they are made in two, I do not know much about Russia, but today, Russia is an oligarchy. The political houses in China (there is an Upper and Lower House) gather once per year in a Joint Sessions meeting, this where the committees present their findings on issues that need addressing. They then work together to help prepare new measures to tackle these issues.

    Over the year, the measures may be adjusted and changed based on what needs to be done. The same sort of happens in North Korea, but it only has one house, as opposed to two.

    The Supreme Court in both countries is independent, and reviews these measures in a process called "Judicial Review" to ensure that the laws are protecting the rights of the people. There are obviously other aspects, so for example, China has a third house, an advisory body, where there are no CPC members, only members of the public who are not allowed to be affiliated with party. A set number of seats is taken by special groups. 1/3 of them are STEM, 1/3 are manual labourers, for example. There is also a set number of seats for Women, LGBT groups, young people, religious and ethnic minorities. This house has the ability to pass its own laws concerning these groups, that the Government has to follow.

    I've learnt much enough to know dictatorship and democracy are separated "regime".

    A con of oligarchy is that every politicians are on the same side, the same boat. There is no opposition, no transparency. You can see the con from Chinese politics where minority is suppressed and criticizing mouth is shut.

    Yet, various pros exists as seen from China's quick economic development and pandemic control. Not just the GDP number, China has successfully moved millions lives off poverty.

    In my opinion, different regimes have different fortes and weaknesses and befitting different countries. To believe there is a certain regime best for all is a myopia.

    China has an opposition, the CPC has an opposition. I have no idea what you mean with "suppression of minorities", Government satisfaction remains however than ever across all groups in the country. Minorities were exempt from birth control laws, religion is freely practiced and protected by the Government, their native languages are protected languages.

    tear down the churches altogether?) nice....maybe we'll start burning books as well, as in the famous novel about 451 degrees.

    You are the one who suggested banning aspects of a specific religion due to "secularism", I just applied your attitudes to every religion, as a secular state treats every religion the same (or, should treat every religion the same).

    Islam and Islamic expression should be protected in France, like every other religion.

    I believe that they have the right to dictate their own rules! Because this is their country, their customs, principles and religion! Usually, guests should support what is happening with you, not the other way around! In general, I think they are great, because they do not give up on this!

    Their religion? France is a secular state, has no official religion and is supposed to celebrate all religions. Do you know what else French customs include? Beheading rich people.

    Luckily France has a Court of Cassation, and this will most likely be shot down.

    I think you and that other person are failing to understand the same thing. They can be recalled by the citizens in the area that elected them to be their representative. What makes this an oligarchy? I am at a complete loss. A Soviet Democracy is an actual form of Government that is recognised among political pundits, I have never ever seen it compared to an oligarchy.

    An oligarchy places a large amount of power in a small group of people. That is what an oligarchy is, they represent either a single party/business or institution. None of these apply to Soviet Democracies. No single person has more power than another person in a Soviet Democracy, and no single party has more power than another party in a Soviet Democracy.

    In a Soviet democracy, a representative or a delegate is recalled by the citizens of the area that made them a delegate/representative, if they are unhappy with that person.

    I do not support the Electoral College, so I would be very happy to see its eradication.

    A super intelligent alien presents two boxes to you:

    The alien gives you the choice of either taking both boxes, or only taking Box B. If you take both boxes, you’re guaranteed at least $1,000. If you just take Box B, you aren’t guaranteed anything. But the alien has another twist: Its supercomputer, which knows just about everything, made a prediction a week ago as to whether you would take both boxes or just Box B. If the supercomputer predicted you’d take both boxes, then the alien left the second box empty. If the supercomputer predicted you’d just take Box B, then the alien put the $1 million in Box B.

    So, what are you going to do? Remember, the supercomputer has always been right in the past.

    Your description is exactly what is technically called "oligarchy".

    How? The power rests with EVERYONE in a Soviet Democracy. It is a dictatorship of the proletariat. That is not an oligarchy. It is "technically called" a Soviet Democracy, which is what I was explaining.