It's almost as if music weren't an industry run by companies trying to make money....
Posts by passinthru
Yes. They sell out everything, everywhere, every time.
Faulty logic ... aren't BTS so much bigger than Psy/GS? Or is the goal to blow up bigger than BTS did five years ago?
This forum is so ... entertaining....
Shouldn't the title be: "Aespa is a Dynamite + Butter + Permission to Dance + Spring Day + Idol + Boy with Luv + DNA + about-20-more-hit-songs + 3 UN speeches + 4-world-tours + a-heap-more-accomplishments away from blowing up bigger than BTS"?
I guess an accurate title would be too long?
This isn't really a BTS song - I listened to it once but didn't add it to any of my playlists. It sounds just like a Coldplay song and I'm not really a Coldplay fan. I think it did much better than it would have as a Coldplay song without the BTS feature, but I would not have expected it to do as well as a real BTS song.
The mv also didn't do typical BTS numbers. I also watched it once and haven't been interested in rewatching. Too much BTS content to be much interested in brief glimpses in someone else's project.
This gem, from way back when he was still a teenager:
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Sadly, no. Just the current version with Brian, Roger, and Adam. Was still a spectacular show.
i want to be like any western music fans who find the day of the release of their favorite artist album , the album in any shop selling music
i'm tire to look for a Blackpink, NCT or red velvet album in a big city in every shop selling music, for at the end always hear " sorry we don't have any kpop album " or "sorry we only have one kpop album but it's bts"
At least here in the US, there are hardly any shops selling music. That's one of the things making/keeping kpop niche here - kpop fans are so different from US music fans, who are almost all exclusively streaming.
Few who attended this football event wore masks in this packed stadium
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Only in Korea they have knee jerk reactions
Have you seen what the covid numbers are doing here in the US?
In my state, we had dropped down to <200 new daily cases, and in the last 3 months have climbed back up to nearly 10,000. That's each day.
There are other states who have run out of ICU beds or medical staff to handle covid patients.
This is what happens when barely half the population is vaccinated and people stop wearing masks.
Shouldn't there be some signs of a radio push by now? Is this going to be a real single or a b-side?
Not with her current music.
What would she bring to the US market that would be competitive with Western female artists? How would she be considered special or exciting?
Nahhh. They had good luck
I guess that makes every other group tragically and comically unlucky? Too bad for them, I guess.
re: OP; C-level suite exec in tech in silicon valley will have total compensation >>US$1M. So $16K is play money for her.
i agree plagiarism wasnt the best word to use since she isnt taking credit for the footage. But its footage that armys can just watch on their own through official sources you know? i guess being an older army makes me side-eye it more. for newer armys, I can see how it can be very beneficial to have all that older content edited together nicely to learn more about their past and come-up
As a relatively new fan, I don't have the time to hunt down footage, especially if I don't know it exists to begin with. This series is pretty amazing.
And the creator appears to be a professional with integrity; not only is she very careful to cite all her sources, she's also explained that all ad revenue goes to the original sources; she receives no revenue from her videos.
There is no competitive advantage to being Asian in the West. It is in fact, a distinct disadvantage, especially currently.
So Asian artists are going to have to stand out in some way with their music or performance to "make up" for being Asian, or grow a fanbase large enough on their own so that they cannot be ignored (BTS). There are many Western groups and artists who struggle throughout their careers without making it big. What do Asian artists bring that makes them more attractive commercially to the Western music industry?
I would argue that it is easier for a kpop boy group to stand out in performance (with athletic synchronized dancing) than an Asian solo artist, unless the latter has very amazing or compelling songs. I really don't think that there are any kpop songs that are amazing musically; some may be amazing lyrically but the language barrier makes it nearly impossible for that to be easily appreciated by the Western gp.
Fantasy scenario: all of BTS enlist at the same time, most of their fans take a well-deserved rest from the insanity of kpop fandom, and we all come back when BTS returns to great celebration and yet another record-breaking level of popularity and impact.