I've been a mod several times and it's not easy. When you have a forum as contentious as this one can be, it's doubly hard. Without fail, there will be times that something you say or do will be misconstrued and feelings hurt on both sides. You can't please everyone. It takes a really patient and thoughtful person to be a good mod.
So why do mods become mods? Well, my stints as moderator made me pretty sure I did not want to be a moderator again. It's just not for me, I don't have the right personality, but those stints did teach me to be introspective and less quick to fly off the handle. I'm not going to answer for anybody, but I would hope that all those becoming mods are doing so because they believe they have what it takes and are there to show others that they really can be that patient and thoughtful person I mentioned above.
As for me, ultimately, my interests (and talents if I may say so) lay elsewhere which is why I am tech! But I really admire those willing to be moderators and willing to learn that not every situation will be black and white, learn the value of looking at things from other angles and be willing to grow and learn from any missteps and continue on with that knowledge. That last part is really important and the only way to truly move forward.