not nct if he deserves to be lynched, it's because of this nonsense!!
Posts by Everythingoes8
everything stated on that review is true, lisa's music is as shallow as it gets, it's what yg made her release but worse now that fans can't blame it on yg's decision to limite female artists and it proved she lacks the artistry and talent a musician/pop star needs to make it big in the us industry. had her entire album been as interesting as new woman, this would've been an entirely different story. y'all can blame it on hybe's imaginary connection pitchfork, the critic's nationaluty, xenophobia, misogyny, or whatever makes you feel better, it won't make this album a decent work that deserves anything above a 2 or 3 (i think he was actually very generous)
it's a flop for me. before i can fully digest the song, it already finished. i felt like she was in a rush while making this(?) there's some really fun and catchy moments but overall it's not something i'd see myself listening to everyday, the outfits slayed tho
kpop fans are so obsessed with the idea of having a "diverse concept/discography" that they'll eat garbage up as long as its tagged with different names. to be a great musician you dont need to constantly change genres and visuals, i think this fast moving industry that jumps to the next trend every four months is the reason of people unrealistic expectations of how a musician should lead their career and as a consequence, the dumb criticism iu is facing for her music choices
did they listen to the whole album or what?? she's trying to balance catchy upbeat music with ballads like shh. i do hope to listen more of her jazz/bossa nova side again but these people act like once you're 30 all you have to do is make sad ballads until the end of your career, what a joke
I can't get into her music because it's too basic... I don't speak Korean so ballads don't really reach me.
15 years in music but she never took risks.
And I don't think it will change
modern times is better than the trashy music that most kpop groups put out
Wait so the new info today is that HYBE tried to correct misinformation about NJ sales being reported to the public?!?? That’s it?!
At least there are very good posts today to remind everyone about legit feminism being about women just wanting to be treated equally with equal rights.
Hmm day isn’t over yet so back to work and will check later tonight
i came for the tea and there's nothing!!
Well despite our seemingly opposite stances, i think we can definitly agree that women should have the free will to pursue their dreams and the model of life which suits them the best.
And i definitly agree that not all women are meant to be wife or mothers. And they can also be great models and widely contribute to the society. For sure!
But you can't disagree either that the latest wave of feminism and the modern capitalist society don’t share much respect for motherhood and for being a housewife. It's like you only have value if you make money otherwise you're just a bum and a failure.
And this is a major source of psychological stress and even an humiliation of women's desire to pursue such a way of life. The modern model of female happiness and success is solely based on illusional dreams of carrier success when in reality most people, man or women are only replaceable faceless dozens to make other people rich while being widely undepayed. Or for man to support their family.
The reality of the modern hyper capitalist sociaty is actually pretty ruthless and it doesn’t even leave the choice (mostly for economical contraints) for women to live the kind of life they would find most fullfilling.
The reality of life is also to accept that no, not everyone is exeptional or meant to be stars, most people are average. Average workers, averge mothers, average fathers.
Now which one of these two prospects you would think sounds more fullfilling, loving, human for most women?
I dare say the second one. Specially if this post 3/4th wave feminist hyper capitalist modern society didn’t make them so ashamed of such desires.
Actually you can find much meaning and so much beauty in motherhood. Difficult to say you would do so by selling lipstick or taping on a laptop all day long!
you're right and that's why it has been so important for me to read about feminism from indigenous women. a lot of western/white feminist see women in these communities cooking while their husbands go out to work and think they're being systematically oppresed just like in the western world when in reality, cooking/making food has a far more important place in their lives than fishing/hunting, without cooking or taking care of your home and family members the entire world would fall apart. there's of course feminists who discuss this in a more academic way, our understanding of private/public spaces and the binarism that permeates in out perception of the world and the criticism that comes from popular feminism but of course, that shouldnt mean that we can not be wary and critical of the "choice feminists" cause what we believe is our own choice has been influenced by our sorroundings and therefore, is not really just our choicf
The documentary was a pretty bad move. It just casts this negative vibe over the whole group and now when I look at them I just feel sadness and negativity. It feels like the final days of CLC when I was watching their variety series and the members just seem down and tired. It really drags down the mood and made it tiring as a stan to feel positive about the group because when I see them on stage I just think about how they're forcing themselves to smile.
the problem is hybe thinking they can and should pull the same tricks they did with bts with their other groups by making those docus. not only did bts never get the insane hate for their performance as lsrfm is getting now but they also had a massive fandom to protect their image
the "SOTY energy" songs you refer to are national hits which rarely happen. i don't want to downplay aespa achievements with this song (i prefer armageddon tho) but this new system made songs stay longer on the top of the charts and with melon flopping, a song needs to have like 200K ULs to be #1 so it's not that surprising seeing a song staying that long which makes records look less impressive ig the song didn't become viral internationally either which kinda makes it look less popular that it may be in sk cause idol groups smash hits in korea tend to be very succesful internationally too
this is purely her artistic vision, let her be. some of the greatest songs and music i've ever listened to are under the 3 minutes mark, it has nothing to do with the lenght of a record, but rather the artistic process and reason behind it and how the context we're living it forces artists to release music short enough to not "bore" their audience. i think that now, people are being used to consume things at a very rapid pace, no time to enjoy and appreciate art, we lose our ability to concentrate, to enjoy one thing at a time and that's what is destroying us as people and also our creations
Mhj must really be something, its crazy impressive how so many well reputed people coming out and openly speaking in support of mhj even though they are potentially put themselves and their careers at risk by going against the hybe.
There must be some reason for this level of loyality that people have towards mhj, if she really was some crazy abusive toxic witch like how hybe tried portraying her to be, people wouldn't be going to this extent to support her.
a lot of abusers in hollywood are supported by their also famous and successful celebrities friends, that doesnt mean sht. people are not 2d characters who act the same with everyone they know. and i cant believe there's people who are defending this woman, isnt what she did to shinee enough?
people are creating so much conspiracy theories when in reality and as i said in the digital thread, these numbers are the result of a dull and uninspiring comeback, a song purely to promote a brand (which is being boycotted right now), a song released a month later than its mv, and a sound similitar to what we're used from them with no stunning concept or mv to make up for the lack of promotion or repetitive sound
This njs release has proved a lot of things:
First of all, their company lack of effort in building up hype for their songs and expecting social media and playlist to do their job
Which brings me to my next point. Unlike their last album where they released stunning teasers and enigmatic videos, this feels dull and how sweet looking like a zerox2 (song made to promote a brand) doesnt help either, there's no fairies, or angels, or greek myths or witty lyrics to make their songs look more interesting
They lack a solid international fanbase. This scandal could have helped them build a stronger and hardcore fanbase but it doesnt seem to be the case
I dont think this is the result of no "hybe payola" but just a boring comeback, with little to nothing remarkable and songs that despite being good, are more of the same sound we've already listened from them. i think they will do better when they comeback with an album release
no nwjns member actually stand out because the group was meant to be seen collectively and not as individuals, that's why they debuted with similar hairstyles and unlike most groups they don't dye their hair often, their youth and genz persona is what the public likes and unless their ceo knows how to keep the public attention and change their image once they get older i dont think they will be a long lasting group but maybe im just being too pessimistic
is most popular same as the most viewed??
that's what the oscars literally do, though? young actors are rarely awarded for the main categories since the academy leans towards the older and "more experienced" actors, very often awards are not about the performance they're nominated for but their career and how it was long due for them, a recent example is gary oldman and timothee chalamet, both nominated for best actor, even though the two of them did a great performance, critics and experts were sure gary was going to win not exactly because he was better in his characterization of churchill but because he had a drastic physical transformation and after such a long career he finally deserved to win so yes, seniority can be an important factor when it comes to judge decisions to award someone
all these collabs feel so forced and unnecessary, latto delivered so i didnt mind the song featuring another singer/rapper but jack harlow didnt add anything to the song, the ones gaining something out of these collabs are the western artists and not jungkook so i hope his next single is a solo song with korean (more interesting) lyrics