Seven has really revealed everyone's ass on AKP and on Twitter. I'm starting to question if these same people stanned BTS during Dynamite Era because everything that was said about Dynamite is being spearheaded by diet solos and akgaes about Seven. The only difference being instead of defending the banner "BTS" against antis, it's now only one member that diet solos and akgaes don't have to fake defend or support.
Also, the very LOUD selective amnesia that people are rolling with is so disingenuous to whoever they stan just because Seven has made everyone so fucking bitter, it's insane. We all knew from the jump, POP MUSIC is what this fandom has decided to make their most successful. I'm not pulling that out of my ass, it is verifiable EVERYWHERE if you only took two minutes to research.
Taehyung solos were LOUD and GEEKED that MHJ was going to be behind his solo (so was I, but that was a horrible decision) and they knew even before the promo schedule was released what type of music he would release. And they were fine with it because they were so sure that MHJ promo would enhance his popularity even if the song wasn't gonna get the pop song success treatment. (And even at that, LMA a pre-release, still almost out-streamed another act's main title track, so what was all the fear-mongering for?!) But what did this ever-so-great MHJ do?
Release LMA a day before the tracking period started, making all streams from first day null and void, releasing two MVs that the fandom now has to stream again instead of one, two songs released on streaming platforms that now will get divided attention instead of one etc. This works fine for a rookie group but not for an established fandom like ARMY with what we are used to. Added onto the fact that both songs were slow RnB songs, were they realistically expecting Seven numbers when that is as pop as pop can get? And was the sole focus as it was treated as a singular focus?
All this and when Slow Dancing drops and Tae gets the full extent of whatever MHJ got planned, I will then ask why the hell was his solos losing their damn mind over comparing his pre-releases to a single that was getting the single treatment that BTS has gotten before? 
And to OP, I'm not surprised you're spreading debunked lies that Jimin akgaes, which are our blonks, are spreading. When everyone finally sees that you're not a BTS fan at all will be the day we know peace. The only thing I'm surprised about is to see diet solos hiding their thinly veiled rage at Seven and more specifically with Jungkook on AKP. When comparing Seven to Dynamite/Butter/PTD he's not even getting a fraction of their promotion but still has managed to make people so pressed and lying to cope with its success. That's why I have to go back to my initial question of whether they stanned BTS during Dynamite era, because the comments I'm seeing are not real. I can not believe.