Posts by soshilovelife
Yes, not 24/7 or even not for months, but yes I was listening to them just the day before.
The one they will drop this year
I'm not going to play favorites but Lotto was the one that really brought the dark side.
The War: The power of music
And painfully underrated Obssesion
And all their Christmas albums
Too many favorite tracks in each album to list
Pleaseee, when exo had 100% fan voted award stole from them at mama, right in front of everyone's eyes, to soribada not giving exo awards they 100% deserved because they won in every single category to gda not so subtle shade towards exo and sudden criteria change after 20 years. Some even apologized to exo for this but it was all burried, either way I will not forget, but it is kinda useless to talk about it rn.
I was talking from the fandom's standpoint, they felt EXO was given the awards BTS deserved, all that added nicely to their underdog, mistreated narrative fans like to push so much at the time. I remember the shade on those awards saying they were finally rewarding talent, no award show that respects themselves disses the artists that way, but Korean awards at that level are questionable at best. By doing that they just expose themselves and just confirms my narrative that BH just presented the same old thing with different words.
I remember this and how they made it seem as EXO was the one blocking them from getting the awards they "deserved" and EXO-L-turned-into-ARMYs and their attitude as if they had seen the light and were no longer brain-dead people following a cult.
I refuse to accept the dead idea, let's say they are in hibernation. As long as there is no official statement, "We are one!"
I would say both are still a stable source of money, maybe not a the level of their peak, but they keep money coming.
Right time. right place, big and loud fandoms
What? Poor Liam, may he rest in peace.
I disliked BTS at first mostly for their fandom. They think BTS is like the second coming of Jesus or something, and for me they are just a product of a company, a good product, but that its all. Then is the arrogancy they exude just for being a fan of BTS. I said before, feeling superior just because you are a fan of a group is fucking stupid. You have to be very young or very dumb to think this way. This bothered me very much in that time, now i just feel sorry for this kind of people.
But yeah, dislike a group for their fans per se is kinda silly and unfair. But now i can proudly say i dislike BTS for them, not for the fans. I grow as a personWow, someone who thinks like me, this is a rare finding.
And this is why he should wear a warning sign