Soldier Pepe ? He can barely hold his own gun. He better pick another fight!

I think it’s official… BIGBANG has reached Legend status in Korea!!!
Yeah. They were legends already.
I wasn't going to be surprised by much about their achievements with this song...however I'm surprised they are still breaking new records this time, some of which they held already.
It's foregone 'Still Life' is SOTY. The only thing I'll be curious about is if they'll go collect their awards for it. I think GD is going to have a solo comeback and he'll actually promote.
Wasn’t Gidle Tomboy making noise ? I think there will be many strong contenders… also they won’t win anything at MAMA not after GD dissing them.
Exactly what does Big Bang get hate for that's based on lies?
they re already legend
I got questioned by the local cops twice regarding clients who broke the law and even spoke to FBI agents before. I must've been arrested thrice!
That and if someone has done something to you, you deserve no sympathy because you got in contact with the police before… which means you can’t be a victim anymore.
I know you are not really interested in finding out based on your your already shown attitude towards them in this Thread. So I know it will be a waste of time to write it all down knowing you wouldn’t care.
Genuinely asking.
I knew they would destroy the charts but never thought they would win on music shows. Legends indeed
They gave antis a tight slap with Still Life. All of this with no promotion whatsoever, it proves that Korean general public is still on their side regardless of the controversies.
Lol. A tight slap.
I'm stealing this.
Weren't they legends a long time ago already?
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