[DN+NB] Seungri's prison term halved by judge at second trial by claims of "reflection, his "reflection" tears in court cause anger + netizens demand judge behind Seungri's ruling to step down

  • source: Seungri's prison term halved by judge at second trial by claims of "reflection"

    Seungri's prison term halved by judge at second trial by claims of "reflection"
    netizen buzz, korean pop,korean drama, korean media, korean entertainment, korean news, kpop, kdrama, netizens, comments, reactions, translations


    Article: At the claim of "I am reflecting"... 'Burning Sun' Seungri's sentence halved

    Source: The Joongang via Naver

    1. [+3,184, -6] He's being charged with nine crimes but his sentence was reduced by half just because he said he's "reflecting" ㅎㅎㅎㅎ how does this make sense? Our judges are all losing their minds.

    2. [+1,053, -3] There's no way that we can't suspect the judge is being bought off with a ruling like this

    3. [+329, -2] No way we're a real country... I guess you can get away with anything if you use your money to buy yourself a team of powerful lawyers~ What are we teaching our youth with a case like this?

    4. [+209, -0] Jo Joo Bin got 42 years, Seungri's now at 1 year 6 months? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ At this rate, he's going to end up with a probation sentence by the third trial. This country truly amazes me sometimes.

    5. [+182, -0] And yet a man who stole ramen got sentenced to three years in jail ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but Seungri who did drugs, gambling, and p*mping is now getting one year ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    6. [+92, -1] AI robots would be better at judging than these judges. Judges is the #1 profession that needs to be automated.

    7. [+63, -0] Who exactly is behind him? We can only assume that there must be someone huge helping him out that will cause a ripple in society if he's found out to be involved in all of this.

    8. [+38, -0] Wow, the judge is a dog

    9. [+36, -2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's admitted to all nine charges and it was already ridiculous that he was only sentenced to three years of jail time for it but now it's been cut in half? This is why everyone always says the courts are corrupt. How can the times change and yet the courts haven't?

    10. [+21, -0] This whole case needs to start over with the investigations~~~~~

    Source: Naver

    1. [+1,547, -5] The judge behind this case needs to take off his robe immediately for the sake of our society. He has been found guilty on nine charges and needs to be sentenced accordingly as a habitual, intentional criminal. There is no way that a criminal as intentional as him should be allowed a shorter sentence just because he's claiming to be reflecting. This is why people are saying that judges should be replaced with AI.

    2. [+544, -1] Does our country even have a set of laws anymore? Or do they not exist for the people with money?

    3. [+320, -2] This is so disgusting

    4. [+216, -1] This country is trash

    5. [+124, -1] He's fake reflecting! He's just using his money and power. All he needs to claim is that he's reflecting and show some tears and he'll get off with a probation sentence.

    6. [+45, -0] ???????????? Oh, I didn't know that crimes were evaluated based on how much the criminal was "reflecting"??????????

    7. [+29, -0] This seriously makes me want to get rid of all of the judges and replace them with AI

    8. [+24, -1] If only the judge's daughter was a victim of the Burning Sun.. tsk tsk


    Source: Insight via Instagram

    1. [+854] If he admitted to his charges, he should have to serve the full three years of what he was sentenced to. Why is it being cut in half?

    2. [+428] Amazing in more ways than I can count

    3. [+287] You can get your sentence reduced if you admit to your crimes. Write that down.

    4. [+151] ???????? What is going on

    5. [+132] He was charged on nine counts and yet he's only serving one year and six months... amazing...

    6. [+119] Cut in half? As if three years was enough for the price of his crimes.. hul.. who is this judge? How can our law be so messed up?

    7. [+206] We need to let the public sentence him, not this judge

    8. [+74] If anything, he should be serving longer than Jung Jun Young at least. Even Jung Jun Young received a short sentence but Seungri was the ringleader of the whole operation so he should be serving longer 🔥🔥🔥

    9. [+43] Life is so easy when you have money

    10. [+25] So the judge cut his sentence in half just at the claim that he's reflecting~~~ I wonder if the judge would halve the sentence if his own daughter was a victim

    source: Seungri's "reflection" tears in court cause anger + netizens demand judge behind Seungri's ruling to step down


    Article: 'Burning Sun' Seungri, "reflected"... Military court reduces sentence by half

    Source: Kookmin Ilbo

    Netizens are demanding the judge behind Big Bang Seungri's case to step down.

    On the 27th, the High Military Court held an appeals hearing for Seungri and reduced his 3 yr prison sentence from the first trial to one year and six months. Seungri who had initially denied all the charges admitted to all 9 'Burning Sun' charges in court and expressed his intention to reflect.


    1. [+2,474, -10] The judge behind this ruling needs to take off his robe immediately for the sake of our country and society. He pled guilty to all 9 charges and needs to be sentenced as a habitual, intentional, and unscrupulous criminal with an aggravated punishment for his crimes. There's no way a habitual criminal like him should get off just because he claims he's "reflecting." This is why people are asking for judges to be replaced with AI.
    2. [+901, -3] Is this no longer a country of laws? Do laws not exist for the rich and powerful?
    3. [+514, -4] So disgusting, really
    4. [+353, -1] Ah f*ck, this country is sh**
    5. [+225, -1] His claims of reflection are fake. He used his money and power and it worked! All he has to do now is show some "reflection" tears in court next time and he'll get off with probation.
    6. [+97, -0] I wish reporters would reveal the name of the judge when writing articles like this.
    7. [+64, -0] ??????????? I wasn't aware crimes were evaluated based on how much the criminal is "reflecting" ???????????
    8. [+63, -0] This just goes to show the government has deep ties with 'Burning Sun' from politicians, prosecutors, judges, all of it....we need to start investigating from the beginning one by one..
    9. [+53, -0] Let's just get rid of all the judges and replace them with AI
    10. [+37, -3] If only the judge's daughter was a victim of 'Burning Sun'
    11. [+18, -0] Are those the eyes of someone who has sincerely reflected? He'll just go on hiatus and return on stage with Big Bang like nothing happened. Does this judge have no conscience left?
    12. [+11, -0] I guess if you "reflect", you get your sentenced halved.

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • 4. [+209, -0] Jo Joo Bin got 42 years, Seungri's now at 1 year 6 months? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ At this rate, he's going to end up with a probation sentence by the third trial. This country truly amazes me sometimes.

    Ok you can be mad… but how on earth is Seungri’s case and that of Jo Joo Bin a moderator of the Nth Room slightly comparable? If this is how people view his case I’m not surprised by the outrage..

    This guy moderated a Group on Telegram where he and his people shared ipornographic content from illegal recordings, voyeurism , videos and photos taking by women and minors who were first lured and than blackmailed to share more sexual exploitive material for profit, child pornography etc and all this was distributed to 9 different chat rooms. This was a criminal sex-ring, they sold content to over 200k people using cryptocurrency.

    We are talking about over hundreds of victims where 1/3 of them were minors/children.

    These are over 100 ( not including the ones that didn’t involve a victim) charges against 9, were 7 of them are economic crimes.

    Seungri’s trial was state vs Seungri

    While this dude had tons of people suing him, the amount of victims he has and the damage he caused them is unbelievable… comparing these two cases together is belittling the 9th Room scandal.

    Complain about him not getting punished enough, but don’t make ridiculous comparisons like that. This dude fully deserved his 42 years ! ( he won’t serve the full sentence anyway like the majority of convicts)

  • not surprised

    after watching Law School kdrama I've freakin learned how many dirty tricks politicians, prosecutors, and judges do in Korea

    if you haven't seen it yet I suggest to do it, Yeseul's case was a shocker for me

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  • that case was too distrubing, i couldn't bring myself to follow the updates <X

    It’s truly disturbing, the things that were shared and the things they forced these women to do will go beyond your imagination.

    This video sums up everything you need to know… but only watch if you’re at a right state of mind.

    Edited 2 times, last by SandyBee3 ().

  • I remember names like that … it was truly shocking and it even made it to German news.

    42 years is exactly what he deserved, unfortunately many other Chatroom members couldn’t be found and got away with their crimes.

    that case was too distrubing, i couldn't bring myself to follow the updates <X

  • He (or yg) must have some dirt on higher ups.. his name has been publically linked the most with this scandal & he still got barely anything for his crimes

    Getting away with vile crimes in broad daylight :S

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