the number of things you can learn from those interviews
whaa amazing!
So perhaps the concept for your album has changed a lot, and therefore your singing style has changed as well. What can you tell us about the highlights from this album?
Jiwon: I wanted to show off a variety of vocal styles on this album. For example, I heard “Escape Room” and decided I wanted to sing it just like a pop song, so I paid close attention to my pronunciation and tried to sing it with more flair, like making my voice more breathy. And I practiced “DM” so much because of all the super high notes in the song. I worked out what I could do to make the vocals work for me and I hope I can get the feeling across to the listeners, too. I pictured excitedly confessing my love while recording the song in the recording booth. It’s a lot different when you sing with the emotions in mind instead of just singing it without thinking, so I was very careful with my vocal tone and the way I expressed my emotions.
It seems most of the fromis_9 albums have at least one song written by you on them. What was it like working on “Hush Hush”?
Jiwon: This album will be the first time a song I worked on with Seoyeon gets released. But we’ve actually worked together several times. I guess you could say it’s like when people finish each other’s sentences. We were trading ideas, asking, How’s this? and, What about that? And came up with some ideas, churned out some melodies, mixed them together to find a balance and, just like that, the song was done.
Do you have designs on trying to write a lead single for one of your next albums? (laughs)
Jiwon: I really want to write a lead single. (laughs) I’ve actually made several demos. It's not just me—Hayoung and Seoyeon really like writing songs, too, so we keep on trying. I think as we get more experience one of our songs will be selected as a lead single someday. Am I selling it enough? (laughs) I always ask the other members to listen to my songs when I write one, too. And then they always say things like, This is so great. I hope you let flover listen to it even if it doesn’t get released. I find that encouraging. It fills me with strength.
How was the choreography for this album? I love that last part in the choreography for the single “DM” where you stand in the center with all the other members surrounding you on both sides.
Jiwon: Yes, there’s a lot of moves in the “DM” choreography where we spread our arms open and go over and hug each other. In that part you mentioned, especially, when I stand in the center and look at all the other members, I just bubble over with emotion. They just look so sweet and happy together, so sometimes even in the middle of practice I felt like I was going to cry.
Getting emotional, looking at the members during practice … It seems like you have a lot of affection for them.
Jiwon: We’ve been together a long time, so I’m used to having them around and feel anxious when I don’t. I think that’s why it feels like I never want them to change and want us to be together until the very end. They’re the ones who are always with me, whether I’m having a hard time or a good one.