BLACKPINK vinyl to sell for $2,500

  • (i'm in the vinyl community and we all hate this trust me)

    Anyways, the brand NTWRK is re-releasing albums on vinyl for part of their "Interscope Reimagined" collection. The sleeve art will be designed by artists and the albums being released are all by musicians/singers that Interscope has represented. "THE ALBUM" by Blackpink is included in this release.

    The album cover art has been released for some of the albums:

    The issue is, these vinyls will be selling for $2.5k. Billie Eilish's has been confirmed to have this price and the rest will likely follow suit. The reasoning behind this price is that they're "one of a kind" vinyls (limited to 100) and signed by the artist (no, not the singer, the PAINTER/SKETCH ARTIST). This is also a lot to pay for a plain black vinyl, whether it's a stylistic choice or not. Of course Discogs collectors will eat this up, but it's a ridiculous price for a vinyl with new artwork (some of which is mediocre at best).

    Here are some of my friend's thoughts + a screenshot from the website:


    And they have a point! If this truly is $2.5k, it's a ridiculous price to ask, even for collectors.

    I'm not sure many Blinks even know that Blackpink is having a release here, but I'm sure the rich ones will have a field day with this. Once again, super sad for the people who don't have tons of money lying around.

    Their mockup isn't out yet/I haven't seen it but I'm sure it'll drop soon. I'm curious to see what it will look like!

    The collection drops on January 27 and is available until the 31st, with the actual art pieces going on display at the Lacma from January 30 to February 13.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

    Edited 2 times, last by FeLiNa ().

  • Do these records summon holograms of the artists to perform for you or...?

  • Do these records summon holograms of the artists to perform for you or...?

    I fucking wish. This same company (NTWRK) also makes NFTs. I don't know how it's not more transparent to people that this is an insane cash grab that is absolutely NOT worth it. The most I paid for a vinyl was $900 and that's it. $2.5k is insane.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • FeLiNa

    Changed the title of the thread from “Blackpink vinyl to sell for $2,500” to “BLACKPINK vinyl to sell for $2,500”.
  • I'm assuming these are targeted towards deep pocket collectors. Art collectors pay all kinds of money for exclusive stuff. I think it's ridiculous and a money grab, but some people like to spend money on stuff like this.

    i used to do that but not anymore. what gets me is that Billie's and Olivia's (especially Olivia's) main demographic is teens. even though i was collecting hardcore in my teens (i'm 19 so lmao), i was in the minority. i'm not sure how they think this is gonna go bc it always happens the same way: Discog and ebay peeps buy to resell. it's happened that way for years and years now with expensive releases. an example would be the Gucci Boxset of "Happier Than Ever" by Billie Eilish. retail was $80 (not bad), but i've seen it go for as high as $450. that's the way it goes with limited and expensive pressings.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • Wait I first read that as the cover art was going to be drawn by the artists themselves which would have been so much cooler :(

    Same. Why would I want an album and signed drawn by some random artist? Of course I'm not sure I'd agree with a 2.5K price tag even if it was done by the album artist, but it'd be worth more to me that way.

  • Okay if this was done by the artist themselves and signed by the artist I think the bp price point is about what to expect, but I'm surprised at Olivia's price. Her fans are not kpop or rock fans that are big on collecting. She is your average pop artist and regardless of how big her spins are, she hasn't build that loyal fanbase that will pay $2.5k for a vinyl. I have a friend who's a doctor who collects for bts and even she wouldn't put $2.5k down for this. She even decided not to buy a signed album for $800 so there is no way she would buy this. I understand she's not a hardcore collector but she has probably $1000 worth of bts albums and merch. Like, even the most dedicated fans have limits unless they're millionaires with that much money to blow. I'm doubtful if they can even sell all 100 of these for most of these acts (apart from bp).

    If I say anything incorrect please correct me and I will edit my comment accordingly. I'm also very sarcastic so please don't take anything I say to heart.

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