One of the reasons as why idols are still seen as robots is bc of some fans reactions!

  • It isn't, but I'm more familiar with the kpop community so i talked about the "idolsxfans" thing, but it sure can be used in a more "deep" convo.

    Once you look at which group of people geographically would refer to idols as robot like, it'll help you understand why international fans don't play too much a part, though their influence is increasing no doubt.

  • Yes! I know how that feels. I love essay answers because they're usually so through and detailed and you can tell a lot of effort was put into them. That makes sense and is understandable. I can respect that.

    It is, which is a good thing, because I think what you said is accurate. Probably not. It was under some random YouTube video, I forget which one, was made a while ago and never blew up, so I'd be far more surprised if you did see it than if you didn't. I wasn't trying to imply that your thread isn't unique by referencing my similar post and I apologize if it came across like that. I just saw it as a cool coincidence, so wanted to point it out for that reason.

    I agree with everything in your last paragraph. I don't think fans mean to shade others when they call Chan kind, just some people take everything personally or interpret things the wrong way. Have a great day/night!

    The way I'm loving this interaction!! Thank you!!

    Oh, thanks, i always try to say things that a lot can relate bc funnily enough, some topics aren't discussed much when it should! I like to see some threads and their responses and do my own thread seeing some behaviors bc making a thread to the specific subject makes us to discuss more and to understand more!

    Yes, unfortunately as almost everything is seen as competition even a praising is used for fanwars or hate train against idols.

    You too!!

  • You know what, I never thought about this, but now that you mention this, I can see it. I'm thankful we have people like Chan and Hyunjin that are still willing to talk about the things you mentioned, but I fear the inevitable day when people like them will not speak out about anything anymore, fearful to say the wrong thing and create a scandal or negatively impact their group as a whole. I hope so too. I don't know if it's true or not, but one Stay a while back said that after Chan's first wave of massive hate, he started to change and say what Stays wanted to hear him say and become what they wanted him to be like instead of himself. I really hope this isn't true and it makes me sad to think that it could be, but as much as I hate the thought of it, it is possible (I don't know for sure either way, just something I heard somewhere, so treat it as speculation at best until proven otherwise). If it is true, I can very safely say that I'd much rather know the real Chan than his persona. I'm sure both are equally lovely though.

    This kind of reminds me of how someone once said that the reason why some people get so disappointed in Chan is because a lot of fans hype him up as some sort of perfect person and then they take it seriously, so they get shocked and angry when he messes up. I forget who said it or where, but it stuck with me. I had also never thought about that before, but once someone pointed it out, it made perfect sense to me. Not in any way trying to say that you copied them at all, and that comment was made month ago on YouTube, so don't get the wrong idea, I'm just pointing out how your post gave me similar vibes to that one for some reason.

    I understand your side and am completely fine with you using him as an example. I used to see idols as perfect human beings too, but once I opened my eyes, I realized I liked the idea of them being normal people better than the idea of them being flawless. It made them more relatable and more human to me. I used to even see Chan that way because of all the "Chan's comforting words" videos I used to watch and all the comments praising him for helping them a lot, then I began to notice small things we didn't exactly see eye to eye on and instead of getting mad at him (that would be stupid), I began to see him as a flawed, but still overall great, human being, just like most people. Have a great day/night!

    Fans and their toxic bs and wannabe dollhouse mentality is the root of all problems in the idol world. Companies have about 15% of the blame here over the years more agencies have allowed idols far more independence with everything from music to image. The rest of these issues rest solely at the feet of fans and their bullshit. Bangchan changing not be be himself to appease fans is one of the problems of many fans cause to idols this severely damages their mental health Mark my words here this is a hard pill to swallow but it is a fact. FANS ARE THE NUMBER ONE REASON FOR SUICIDE in the industry. These POS people need a reality check and change themselves an idol is no different than your own friends and family they are human too just like them they love,need love, hurt and want things and just like the people you love they are imperfect too because they are human nobody is perfect and they should be accepted for their flaws. Only judged when they objectively do harm like the rest of humanity is judged.

  • I'm loving this interaction too! I agree. On this topic, some people discuss how an idol is probably gay or bi or something like that, but never if an idol is asexual or aromantic or stuff like that. It's baffling. I never thought about that, but you are absolutely right as always. It really shouldn't be the way and the fact that it is disappoints me every day. Thank you so much!

  • I'm loving this interaction too! I agree. On this topic, some people discuss how an idol is probably gay or bi or something like that, but never if an idol is asexual or aromantic or stuff like that. It's baffling. I never thought about that, but you are absolutely right as always. It really shouldn't be the way and the fact that it is disappoints me every day. Thank you so much!

    The way idols can't talk about their lives, but some fans talk even about the idols sexuality is so upsetting, bc some really "shut" idols while always invading idols private lives! Absolutely paranoic.


  • The way idols can't talk about their lives, but some fans talk even about the idols sexuality is so upsetting, bc some really "shut" idols while always invading idols private lives! Absolutely paranoic.


    It really is. Besides, their sexuality is not only deeply personal, but doesn't affect us, so why do they care so much? If you're just randomly asking out of genuine curiosity and nothing more, I can forgive you if you don't do it again, but seriously.

  • It’s not just idols who can’t be themselves.

    Actors or even people around us.

    Everything rn is just insta/tiktok and everything others do makes a lot of people uncomfortable with themselves.

    Like everyone has to be perfect and none of us are.

  • It really is. Besides, their sexuality is not only deeply personal, but doesn't affect us, so why do they care so much? If you're just randomly asking out of genuine curiosity and nothing more, I can forgive you if you don't do it again, but seriously.

    Yes, unfortunately this is an "ok" behavior yet, but i hope things change and i just wish idols feel free while working. It's suffocating even to me seeing some things.

  • Yes! Even with a whole "new freedom" to everybody, i feel like the oppression is here and unfortunately it's disguised as "be a good role model" when your character shouldn't be based on what you listen/watch, etc , it's like putting your expectations to be better on others's attitudes and choices.

  • Yes! Even with a whole "new freedom" to everybody, i feel like the oppression is here and unfortunately it's disguised as "be a good role model" when your character shouldn't be based on what you listen/watch, etc , it's like putting your expectations to be better on others's attitudes and choices.

    Everything is just so judgemental (I’m not a saint here) and I just think we are hurting ourselves and setting us up for mental health issues when we should be human and interact with compassion (in real life but also online).

    And it’s always easier for people to hate on those who stick their necks out and go in the front than it is to be reactive and sit back pointing fingers.

    I’m also guilty tbh - like we judge idols every day or fans or achievements by idols. Sometimes we forget music and taste is subjective and one is allowed to find meaning with their choice of group.

  • Literally Jae in a nutshell.

    Jae has been one of the few who are more vocal about their issues and thoughts, and that is also precisely why he gets cancelled so often.

    You can see this not just on twitter even here on AKP for you already see users jumping on the bandwagon to hate on him over a few sentences without understanding the entire context.

    There are so many twitter shit that I chose not to bring up here because it's so stupid, and also because I know fans of other groups on AKP will jump at him and be like 'why did he talk about XXX' or 'why did he NOT TALK ABOUT XXX'.

    And it's easy too because there isnt many of us here that actively defend and protect him unlike fandoms of bigger groups

  • Chan is one of the most honest K-pop idols I've seen in the industry. He really shares several of his worries, insecurities and opinions, relationships. And he has never been rude to anyone in the process during his lives. Unfortunately, he's paid the price many times. But you know what? He doesn't stop, because he knows he isn't doing anything wrong and I admire him for that. I wish I had the balls, because in the first witch hunt I'd probably stop doing vlives for a while lol

    Bankai: Minazuki


  • Sad a sad reality, idols really don't have much choices when in both sides, both are judged like no tomorrow.

  • Chan is one of the most honest K-pop idols I've seen in the industry. He really shares several of his worries, insecurities and opinions, relationships. And he has never been rude to anyone in the process during his lives. Unfortunately, he's paid the price many times. But you know what? He doesn't stop, because he knows he isn't doing anything wrong and I admire him for that. I wish I had the balls, because in the first witch hunt I'd probably stop doing vlives for a while lol

    He really is and i hope he stays strong bc being the target of constant attacks isn't easy.

  • Chan is one of the most honest K-pop idols I've seen in the industry. He really shares several of his worries, insecurities and opinions, relationships. And he has never been rude to anyone in the process during his lives. Unfortunately, he's paid the price many times. But you know what? He doesn't stop, because he knows he isn't doing anything wrong and I admire him for that. I wish I had the balls, because in the first witch hunt I'd probably stop doing vlives for a while lol

    I agree. The closest time you could try to make an argument for was when people thought he was being shady towards Woojin after he left, but that was only being slightly shady in my opinion (was vague, never raised his voice and never said who it was explicitly, even if it was implied once) and we have no idea what happened behind closed doors. I would not be that mature. I'd probably hold a new V-Live once I found out the news and thoroughly and mercilessly chew out the toxic fans. Probably even get into quite the behavior scandal because of it. If they don't like my attitude, I'll give it to them again until they get the hint that I don't like them. Not saying that's a good way to handle it at all, but it's what I'm the most realistically likely to do. Have a great day/night!

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