Another unvaccinated man dies from COVID

  • Apparently there's a lot of 'stars' who died of the corona. This man who died was also overweight, which increases chances of corona death. I just remembered DMX died too but I think that was a drug overdose. Get vaccinated and boosted+…died-covid-complications/

    Teshub, can you please add a TW tag to this post? Please?

    No matter of vaccination or anti-vax or whatever.

    This is still a human who passed away.

  • *WARNING TRIGGERING * I'm still very emotional since it's only been 2 weeks but I'll share to bring more awearness to some big issues. My co-worker and friend died at age 20 from COVID leaving 2 kids orphanes(she lived a hard life as a minority thinking that child marriage was right so she never lived out her youth the right way)Honestly makes me wonder if my friend could have been alive if she got vaccinated but her family told her that they would not talk to her again if she did.. she wanted to get secretly vaccinated after new years. I still feel angry at her father, at her family, at her whole ignorant f*cking community. I still don't know where her grave is when I want to visit her but honestly I dont wanna meet her family bc I might tell them what I wanna tell them and it aint pretty. I blame them for her death well kinda and I do blame myself too for not meeting her earlier in life to spare her pain and heartache or take her away some place that is safe. Sorry I dont know how to add tags for triggers but I edited this comment many times and deleted a lot because to be honest the issues that she had in her short life were all caused by religion, tradition and ignorance someting she said herself as she became an atheist after getting education.

  • *WARNING TRIGGERING * I'm still very emotional since it's only been 2 weeks but I'll share to bring more awearness to some big issues. My co-worker and friend died at age 20 from COVID leaving 2 kids orphanes(she lived a hard life as a minority thinking that child marriage was right so she never lived out her youth the right way)Honestly makes me wonder if my friend could have been alive if she got vaccinated but her family told her that they would not talk to her again if she did.. she wanted to get secretly vaccinated after new years. I still feel angry at her father, at her family, at her whole ignorant f*cking community. I still don't know where her grave is when I want to visit her but honestly I dont wanna meet her family bc I might tell them what I wanna tell them and it aint pretty. I blame them for her death well kinda and I do blame myself too for not meeting her earlier in life to spare her pain and heartache or take her away some place that is safe. Sorry I dont know how to add tags for triggers but I edited this comment many times and deleted a lot because to be honest the issues that she had in her short life were all caused by religion, tradition and ignorance someting she said herself as she became an atheist after getting education.

    May her soul rip.😢

    My aunt n her family belongs to a Catholic cult n they absolutely refused to take the vaccine. Whatever. 🤷‍♀️

    >>> 2022.06.10 <<<IMG-4283.jpg

  • I'm sorry to sound cruel, but if a person chooses not to be vaccinated, they will have to suffer the consequences. I don't see why society has to pay for these people. It's selfish and irresponsible. I've done the right thing and fully vaccinated and will be having my booster soon. You could afford to be an anti vaxxer with some things but not COVID.

  • I'm sorry to sound cruel, but if a person chooses not to be vaccinated, they will have to suffer the consequences. I don't see why society has to pay for these people. It's selfish and irresponsible. I've done the right thing and fully vaccinated and will be having my booster soon. You could afford to be an anti vaxxer with some things but not COVID.

    he probably didn't qualify for vaccination. Looking at his health history,: obesity, immunocompromised...he had to amputate both feet a couple of years ago due to a massive infection.

  • I read it that it was unclear if he was vaccinated or not, but he is from Florida and there is a very strong anti-vaxx movement in that state, especially in the area he lived in.

    Every death is sad, anti-vaxx or not. My dad's cousin died in Jamaica after refusing to get vaxxed. His brother got COVID too but was vaxxed and lived. We mourn the paranoia and brainwashing that took yet another life.

  • he probably didn't qualify for vaccination. Looking at his health history,: obesity, immunocompromised...he had to amputate both feet a couple of years ago due to a massive infection.

    Well he probably just didn't die from COVID then if there were other things going on.

  • Well he probably just didn't die from COVID then if there were other things going on.

    It's just like that guy from Houston who the media kept reporting as the first American to die from Omicron. He had a slew of pre-existing conditions and even the hospital admitted they could not determine if he had died from covid or with covid.

  • It's just like that guy from Houston who the media kept reporting as the first American to die from Omicron. He had a slew of pre-existing conditions and even the hospital admitted they could not determine if he had died from covid or with covid.

    That's what I'm saying if a person who would otherwise be healthy dies from it then they must have already had health issues which was complicated by COVID especially respiratory issues.

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