Praising and Canceling in kpop
Anyone else get annoyed by kpop fans extreme reactions to everyday things that happen in kpop?
"Idol A is PRAISED for helping member with Wardrobe malfunction."
"Idol B is CANCELLED for getting caught not following through on a dance move with 110% effort."
"Idol C is PRAISED for showing concern for a bodyguard safety."
"Idol D is CANCELLED for liking a BTS post on Instagram."
"Idol E is PRAISED for having his plane ticket ready in hand so he doesn't hold up the line at the airport."
"Idol F is CANCELLED for looking down while rubbing her eyes when the camera zoomed in on Kai during his performance at MAMA."
"Idol G is PRAISED for remembering to wipe his ass after the last shit he took in the company restroom."
"Idol H is CANCELLED for not standing up straight and bowing to oppa despite being in a wheelchair with 25 total broken bones after a horrible stage accident."
Fuck kpop fans.
I agree that sometimes K-Pop fans overreact to things. Take the recent ARMY v.s. James Cordon incident for example. That was a harmless joke in my opinion, and I took it as such. Yes, I know the stigma and I know how damaging it can be, but not everyone believes it. I think the criticism for idols B, D, F and H is too far, especially idol H.
As for the over praising, I don't seem to see it as that big of an issue in comparison to most K-Pop fans. I once heard that you shouldn't leave a compliment unsaid and if they want to praise an idol, let them. It's hurting no one and I don't find it annoying at all. Even if it is a small thing, the little things count. If anything, I think praising idols can let them know that we notice and appreciate the good that they do. Sometimes, it feels like, to me, kindness is not only expected as the default, but taken for granted instead of appreciated.
That all being said, idol G could live without that praise, that's just good hygiene, not kindness. Idol E is a grey area for me. It depends on how crowded the airport is as to how much it helps, and it is good to be prepared. Maybe point it out, but you don't have to necessarily praise it, unless you really want to. Idols A and C do deserve praise in my opinion. Idol A could have kept preforming as normal, which would have been more "professional", yet they chose to help out their bandmate, which was the right thing to do. No one forced or even told them to, so that choice was entirely theirs. Idol C showed respect towards the staff, which they should do, don't get me wrong, but I'm also sure there are plenty of idols who have been or are rude to the staff, so being nice to the staff must be a nice change of pace for the staff to experience.
For example, Felix making brownies and giving them to the staff (as well as his bandmates and other idols) deserves to be praised in my opinion. Not every idol would be willing to do that, yet he did, without being asked to or complaining (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong). Lastly, to me, just because something is repeated over and over does not mean it loses value. Just because people praise a lot is not what makes praise have or lose sincerity. What gives praise its sincerity is the way in which it is expressed and almost nothing else. Thank you for coming to my extensive Ted Talk. HaPpY holidays and have a great day/night!
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