I usually mind my own beeswax but I find it so amusing how unsatisfied netizens are at most times. They must be living in a luxurious lifestyle to get mad at stupid sh*t like this right? It's so weird... It seems like they make everything uncontroversial into something "controversial" as soon as it happens. The quote on quote "reasons" are so biased and trivial as well. It's like they never use any logic or critical thinking and instead spread false information throughout the internet.
For example: WayV talking about how I Can't Stand The Rain by SuperM has chinese influences. According to allkpop, the netizens aka crybabies say these things about it.
(I put it as a spoiler just in case you've already seen how the netizens reacted)
"This is why Korean fans can't accept you guys."
"NCT... again..."
"It's so annoying when you pull a Chinese member's photocard."
"Seriously, NCT is so hard to like when there are so many Chinese members who are like this."
"As an NCTzen, I'm so disappointed and embarrassed."
"I can't even describe how much I despite this."
"Go back to China and let TEN and Lucas promote peacefully."
"It doesn't make sense why they would outrightly say 'Chinese and Western'. Most people would say 'East and West'."
"Please... this is just so wrong."
"China-loving SM strikes again."
"If you don't know what you're talking about, just don't speak... that's common sense."
"At this point I'm just tired of NCT."
I find this really funny how netizens are jumping to conclusions instead of thinking it out and giving a more logical opinion. They can be offended by whatever they want because they are human, but the way they easily get mad is just beyond me.
To the actual incident, asian instruments are pretty similar to each other and it's easy to mix them up so It's likely that's what happened. It would be an honest mistake and nothing to get worked up over like the netizens did. I mean, Kun was a music major back in China so it makes sense for him to assume so. The instruments are simply similar, it's not that deep.
It's not even just this incident. You've seen how netizens tried to get Chen out of Exo because he got married and had a daughter. (A natural human thing that no one should be scrutinized for)
Life lesson, don't be like the netizens.
You could comment other instances where netizens were pretty stupid if you'd like. I mainly made this thread to make fun of them/critque them because I found it funny how unsatisfied they are.