If you decorate a Xmas tree...

  • I no longer decorate my own tree since I go elsewhere, but when I used to live at home, it was fake all the way and I used all the old ornaments all our family had made over the years. It was a memory tree and I loved it, took point on decorating every year. My family went with it since I loved it so much.

    When I moved away my sister took over and insisted on real + color coordinated so much so that eventually all the old ornaments beyond a few were thrown out and the artificial tree got chucked. I used to love our tree so much and she doesn't seem to understand why I no longer give a fig about it. ;( Oh well, it's just a tree.

  • I no longer decorate my own tree since I go elsewhere, but when I used to it live at home, was fake all the way and I used all the old ornaments all our family had made over the years. It was a memory tree and I loved it, took point on decorating every year. My family went with it since I loved it so much.

    When I moved away my sister took over and insisted on real + color coordinated so much so that eventually all the old ornaments beyond a few were thrown out and the artificial tree got chucked. I used to love our tree so much and doesn't seem to understand why I no longer give a fig about it. ;( Oh well, it's just a tree.

    Awww, that's sad. :( A tree doesn't have to be coordinated and designed for it to be beautiful. I wish you at least were able to save the ornaments.

  • Awww, that's sad. :( A tree doesn't have to be coordinated and designed for it to be beautiful. I wish you at least were able to save the ornaments.

    They saved the most memory filled ones, so it's cool. Don't get me wrong either, I totally still love my sister and doing the tree this way makes her really really happy. She and I share a love of the holidays, but for her, she really loves buying new ornaments every year and a picking the perfect tree. She really does very nice displays. Since I moved away, I'm glad she started a tradition that she loved. Both of us are still really happy about the holidays!

  • Real or artificial tree? My family had a plastic tree, I myself don't own a tree

    Skinny tree or fat tree? IDK into what category our plastic tree goes

    The bushy kind or the kind with gaps in the branches? As said, IDK

    White lights, colored lights, or no lights? We had 2 lights. 1 small with a warm light and one who's lights were like candles We only used the one that looked like candles with a very warm light most of the time

    Mostly matching ornaments or many different kinds of ornaments? Depends. My mom had 50 or so year old pink stuff and also some very old in gold. She also had a set of different colored balls who had the same type of stripes on it and we also had a silver set and one in orange. I think we also had red but I forgot if we actually do. My mom decided each year of all of these what she wanted to put up ad than we mainly hung straw-stars and angels inbetween. We also have a giant silver tip for the top of the tree but my mom never put it up since it was too heavy for the fake tree and she said it was super expensive so she didn't wanted to risk that it might breaks. At the end we took that type of paper ribbon you put on package and used a scissor on it so the ribbon curls and than put it allover the tree

    Do you use a color theme or is it many different colors? As I said before

    What goes on top? Star, angel, ribbon, other? As I said before

    If you're comfortable with it, show us your tree! :) I don't have one this year and I don't have photos from the years before

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • I use an artificial tree about 6 foot which I've had since my daughter was little. I drag it out every year and put it up and decorate it with baubles and tinsel with a star on the top. I also have christmas lights on it. It's nothing fancy but it's a christmas tree all the same. I usually leave it up until new year then take it down. It sits in the corner of my lounge room. Funny thing is there is only a couple of presents under it as I don't have any family to buy for anymore. My daughter insists on me not putting it up as we don't really believe in it, but somehow it's just not christmas without a tree.

  • Never experienced it before, but if I ever got a chance to...

    Real or artificial tree?

    Skinny tree or fat tree? smol baby tree

    The bushy kind or the kind with gaps in the branches?

    White lights, colored lights, or no lights?

    Mostly matching ornaments or many different kinds of ornaments?

    Do you use a color theme or is it many different colors?

    What goes on top? Star, angel, ribbon, other?

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