What's true according to you? 11
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A liked B who was wishy washy
So A dated another boy, C to make B jealous.
A never wanted C to know their og intention as A unexpectedly fell in love with C who was a lot more serious than A was. (Was A lying to themselves out of guilt?)
C found out A's og intention
AC still dated. C tattooed A's name.
AC broke up.
A dated the B. B was still wishy washy.
A really loved B but never admits it.
AB broke up. A went into hiding.
B did his level best of subtley plastering A everywhere to get A back.
A was glad but was too ashamed to be seen with a player.
C came back. A rejected C.
A dated people after but was still haunted by BC
A is troubled with dreams of B and remembers them all.
Today A dreamt of C for the first time. A feels disoriented since the dream...
A still mentions C as an ideal partner and doesn't like the thought of dating anyone but C publicly.
Society accepted A and C but not A and B even though the latter is the norm.
A feels guilty to be seen with any other person in fear of being slutshamed by society. So what do you think is going on?