What's with some Asian Americans(Jae DAY6&idk her) throwing Asians(BTS&BP) under the bus just to get that racist Western validation?

  • Tw*mad is a racist yt or whatever the fuck it is made a viral tweet in 2020 "Corona virus be like" attaching a bts dancing video. It got 100k likes. Hes obsessed with bts and recently went to their concert, wore kimono? and a Chinese hat? i dont remember and photo shopped V on a Mao Zedong body. Totally fine.

    What I find funny is Jae's superiority complex towards Asians. They are all brainwashed while he is not, confirming to white people that good old kpop manufactured, west music good bullshit. He wants to be the first Asian to reach bilboard 30 nvm the fact that Far East Movement, PSY, Bts and BP already did that. Meanwhile he had to come to Korea bc he knows that American industry does not like Asians like that. I mean how many A-listers you can think of, huh?

    Okay, fuck that. His fans already have excuses for everything.

    Like when he interacted with that racist "just bc they interacted once doesnt mean anything". If he didnt know him, why is so friendly with him? And that racist "imitating" as in mocking Korean but thats a conversation for another day



    Just search twitter and you will find multiple tweets from Asian kpop fans questioning Asian Americans and their desperation. I've seen plenty of VIRAL tiktok videos with millions of likes from Asian Americans making self hating "jokes" about eating dogs and cats or making fun of accents. But you know all these "its just a joke" excuses bs excuses. There are plenty of cases on all kinds of social media I saw. There are stories for days about AA brushing racism from every westerner just to be included, to be that one special chosen bitch while also looking down on Asians.

    What's happening?

  • Let me guess

    Did I hit the nerve?

    or are a Jae fan?

    You did not hit a nerve on me, I've only stated an observation that some Asian-Americans tend to be self-racist because they were not exposed to differing views from the potentially racist environment they were brought up in. I'm not excusing the racism presented, however your perception.

    I am quite unfamiliar with Jae's work (being a gg/ female idol stan). He seems chill (from a smattering of clips from vlogs and podcasts) but some of his views give me pause.

    In conclusion, both of your assumptions were incorrect.

  • My bad

    The bitch is Canadian

    She's still Western so it doesn't change anything

    Not sure exactly about this DAY6 member and whoever is the "canadian bitch" you mentioned, but it is true that some asian-americans want to fit in at all costs and don't mind being the butt of jokes not only in tiktok but even in Hollywood like that Ken Jeong guy or others, it's pathetic and while they may get some atention they will still be seen as clowns by whoever they are trying to please

  • Not sure exactly about this DAY6 member and whoever is the "canadian bitch" you mentioned, but it is true that some asian-americans want to fit in at all costs and don't mind being the butt of jokes not only in tiktok but even in Hollywood like that Ken Jeong guy or others, it's pathetic and while they may get some atention they will still be seen as clowns by whoever they are trying to please

    America isn't just 1 race.. if he wants to fit there it's his decision like wtf wrong with that!!

    I rather be more popular in the west than this shit manufactured industry who treat humans like robots. BRB no personality. BRB no dating. BRB every one look the same because they all go to the same surgeon. BRB they are 99% of them are in it just for the money and they are not real artists they are just manfaturered puppets who do whatever their company tells them. This is why kpop is a fucking joke and it will always be. You really idolise this trash industry?? good luck with that lmao

  • America isn't just 1 race.. if he wants to fit there it's his decision like wtf wrong with that!!

    I rather be more popular in the west than this shit manufactured industry who treat humans like robots. BRB no personality. BRB no dating. BRB every one look the same because they all go to the same surgeon. BRB they are 99% of them are in it just for the money and they are not real artists they are just manfaturered puppets who do whatever their company tells them. This is why kpop is a fucking joke and it will always be. You really idolise this trash industry?? good luck with that lmao

    Bizarre rambling, I don't idolise this trash industry as you say, and I wasn't even talking about the kpop industry, I was talking about Asian-americans that have no self-respect and like to make ching-chong style jokes trying to please their masters. Not sure what caused you to have this fit, are you one of the them perhaps you like to say "me love u long time 5 dolla" at white guys? If so, know that you will never be respected by anybody and will just continue to been seen as a submissive yellow whore to be used and discarded

    And why the hell are you in some forum called allkpop if you hate it so much

  • It's not even worth my effort.

    Like Jae said it before, 'Twitter people aren't real'

    Recently there's another drama and I was literally rolling my eyes. I give up on twitter shit

    lol i knew you'd laugh about this.

    twitter is it's own little world.

  • They took like 1 sentence, in an HOUR LONG INTERVIEW, and use that sentence to drag him and make it all about their faves

    I don't know whether to laugh to cry or to pity. Maybe all 3

    he's probably face palming himself lol

  • This is something I've been thinking about as well, Sometimes Jae just does weird things, like why would he feed into that two mad guys tweets when that dude is stupid and spreads stereotypes, seriously does Jae have no shame? I don't hate Jae per say but he's an odd guy overall.

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