Whats your favorite Twice era???
Cheer Up a bop and still superior
Im prob alone on this but tbh i loved knock knock era
i can't choose but i'm gonna go with either Knock Knock ^ or I Can't Stop Me
Im prob alone on this but tbh i loved knock knock era
i can't choose but i'm gonna go with either Knock Knock ^ or I Can't Stop Me
KK best twice song!!!!
says I, selfmate, pastor of the kpop megachurch
It's gotta be Feel Special. Everything was perfection.
Ooh Fancy Era!
DTNA, Feel Special or Likey
Its nice to find another saya on akp!!!
feel special
Fancy. It is a real pity that the journalist mistranslated Sana's instagram post and caused so much sadness for the girls during that era. It's my fav because Fancy is my fave title song from them. The outfits were really nice too. The whole era was great. I want to say Feel Special too but Mina wasn't there for promotions
dang this is kinda hard i love all their eras but I gotta say Yes or Yes. It was a turning point in their music without straying away from their signature song. The album was superb, we got short hair Jihyo from the first time, Jeongyeon era, Mina long ponytail, Momo with that fire thing, Dahyun's bangs got ruined but the hair color looked so nice on her, Tzuyu black hair, TWICE Halloween circus concept that i desperately NEED back, iconic Yes or Yes dance, the STYLING OMG. Everything about that era was so good it felt so short too
Overall their best era is TT imo
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