How ya'll been lately
I'm good. Just been so sleepy these days
very sleepy
i changed the font color
.....i keep forgetting that not everyone uses the dark theme :D ....my bad lol.......
hey ya'll i just genuinely wanted to know how y'all been or whatcha been up to lately
.......if anyone hasn't asked then allow me.....how was your day today😊? was it good, terrible, ok,.......i asked you a question..so i want an answer :pepe-cute: .......i'm playin lol.....you don't have to but i do wanna hear from y'all.......im just bored that's why im making this thread....but still i do wanna know how y'all are feeling/doing at the moment
This genuinely made me cry
This genuinely made me cry
a good cry or bad cry lol......
Not good, life is still shitty just getting used to it
feelin pretty swag ngl
I'm really sorry
I looked it up and it's from releasing a hormone called cortisol best known for producing the "fight or flight" response :o Okay so I don't know if you already know this but I looked up ways of lowering your cortisol levels k so
- Get the right amount of sleep ( who knows how much that is though right?) Sorry that was my 2 cents people say 8 hours is too much and 6 hours is too little or some people say to sleep for 9 hours but I guess it depends on the person right?
- Exercise but not too much
- Learn to recognize stressful thinking
- Learn to relax
- Have fun
- Maintain healthy relationships
- Take care of a pet
- Be your best self
- Tend to your spirituality (whatever that means) Sorry I'm supposed to be trying to help gosh darn
- Eat healthy foods (damn that's asking alot)
- Take certain supplements (crack is wack yo!)
I'm super sorry if I'm stepping over too much!
i'm still on college break so i'm pretty good.
But college will start next week
a good cry or bad cry lol......
A bit of both
I'm really sorry
I looked it up and it's from releasing a hormone called cortisol best known for producing the "fight or flight" response :o Okay so I don't know if you already know this but I looked up ways of lowering your cortisol levels k so
- Get the right amount of sleep ( who knows how much that is though right?) Sorry that was my 2 cents people say 8 hours is too much and 6 hours is too little or some people say to sleep for 9 hours but I guess it depends on the person right?
- Exercise but not too much
- Learn to recognize stressful thinking
- Learn to relax
- Have fun
- Maintain healthy relationships
- Take care of a pet
- Be your best self
- Tend to your spirituality (whatever that means) Sorry I'm supposed to be trying to help gosh darn
- Eat healthy foods (damn that's asking alot)
- Take certain supplements (crack is wack yo!)
I'm super sorry if I'm stepping over too much!
no half of those things i have to work on
.....i really do appreciate this thank you
Tired and sleep deprived tbh
me too.....
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