Why do we normally round ages of people who are similar age bracket but with idols, a year makes a difference?

  • Normally people who are in the same age category are lumped together. Like Brad Pitt is 57 and people say "Wow he's almost 60 already." Dwayne Johnson is 49 and people called him "Jacked for 50." You also see couples who are few years apart like a 38 year old woman and 40 year old man dating and no one see it's a big deal. 57 and 60 are considered the same. 49 and 50 are the same.

    With idols, age differences even a year is a big deal. If the oldest is a couple years older than the youngest, fans will consider the hyung old and the maknae young. Fans will most of the time gravitate to the youngest even if the age difference is a little bit.

    Why is age rounded in normal situations but in idol groups, the age differences are emphasized?

  • bc span of idols careers are much shorter

    1 year or 2 is not much difference when your career can be 40 years

    Idols barely last 5-7 years

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  • that's because one is looking at the difference between a 17 and 15 for example compared to 49 to 51

    in both these examples the age difference is 2 but the 15/17 year old is a big deal since 2 years is incredibly formative for a teenager and not much for the 49/51 year old

  • I guess because age/seniority is a big thing in Korea and many other places. Even if someone is only 1 year older they get full and total respect normally.

    As for fans well fans are mostly young so they treat a year difference as something significant whereas older people are less concerned with age? Or maybe because they’re young they’ll gravitate toward younger idols? I dunno.

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