Butter is officially 2021 Song of the Summer
Kpoppies and their fish bowl...tch tch tch tch tch
Yoongi agrees!!!
Gave into the fans I guess.. G4U had more units.
done with your bitterness? time to skedaddle.
Gave into the fans I guess.. G4U had more units.
Butter is the official "Song of the Summer".
Barking souls can take their salt to somewhere else which will match their low level.
BTS's level is too high for them to get on.
I am laughing,
How barking souls were doing aggressive screaming for Billboard to change their sales rules but it happened on chinese platform from where their fav's 40% bread & butter comes.
Gave into the fans I guess.. G4U had more units.
When will your fandom ever get charts to give in to them
No matter what anyone says it's still crowned song of the summer so haters lost again
Some pressed users in this thread shld wipe the tears and stream their fav’s . Coz they flopping 😜
the cool shade stunners stay winning
Stream the Song of the Summer you all
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