TVXQ's U-Know Yunho has been declared guilty of of violting Covid-19 rules

  • EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION: As it wasn't a crime, he has no CRIMINAL charges, hence being acquitted, but there is still punishment which is being fined. I understand the confusion caused by making it look like he was innocent so I apologize for not making that clearer, just pretend it says something about that in the title since I can't edit it now

    Long ass title, also this is really late in the day (in Korea) so it might get buried in the 12 AM stuff. And this article is long, so bear with me as I write this translation lol.

    To get this out of the way, 100K KRW is like barely anything ($86 USD). But the operator/manager of the bar will get up to a 3M KRW fine which is like $2.6K USD.

    TVXQ's U-Know Yunho (real name Jung Yunho) has been fined for staying in an adult entertainment bar past business hours.
    SM Entertainment released a statement late night on the 2nd, [...] (T/N: The full statement & Yunho's will be translated below)
    U-Know Yunho, who has been silent since his first apology letter at the time of the scandal, also spoke up. Like the last time, U-Know Yunho made a statement through his Instagram account, saying [...] (T/N: Again, I'll write the statements at the end)
    According to the legal profession, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office has requested to fine a total of 12 people including the adult entertainment bar's boss, employees & customers including Yunho.
    On February 25th, Yunho had stayed in an unlicensed entertainment bar in Cheongnam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul past business hours, staying until past midnight.
    The prosecutors did not impose a criminal punishment towards Yunho because violation of the time restriction is subject to fines, not criminal punishments. However, the owner of the unauthorized bar is subject to a fine and indicted on violating the Food Sanitation Act. 5 of the employees & receptionists were also fined for violating the same law.
    Meanwhile, if the administrator and operator violates quarantine rules, such as creating an entry list, wearing masks, etc. they can be fined up to 3M KRW, while the customers will be fined up to 100K KRW. In Yunho's case, he will be fined as a customer.
    So therefore, Yunho will be fined up to 100K KRW.

    SM Statement

    This is SM Entertainment. U-Know Yunho has been acquitted of charges on suspicion on violating the Seoul government's quarantine rules in February by gathering with friends past 10 PM. We will pay the fines that will be imposed afterwards. At the time, U-Know Yunho visited the place for the first time after being contacted by a friend. He also actively cooperated with the investigation that followed. U-Know Yunho is deeply reflecting for causing worry to many people, especially his fans, for his irresponsible actions at a time which many people are struggling due to COVID-19. He is currently feeling regret and guilt. Once again, we apologize for causing worry to many people.

    U-Know Yunho's statement

    Hello, this is Jung Yunho. Once again, I sincerely apologize to everyone who I have disappointed because of what I've done in the past.
    As someone who receives love from many people, I apologize again for not following the quarantine rules by gathering with friends past 10 PM in February, and I am also very sorry for causing worry to the place I visited for my carelessness that I wasn't aware of.
    At the time, a friend had asked for advice, and all I heard was how they described it as a place where you can talk quietly, so I went out without being especially alert. I am embarrassed at my own self as well and spent time seeing the error of my ways, and still am reflecting as well.
    I will chide myself more & reflect so that this will not happen again. Once again, I apologize for causing worry to many people due to my carelessness.

    The reddit title is misleading...

    [전문] 유노윤호 방역수칙 위반 과태료 “날 꾸짖고 반성” (ft. SM)
    동방신기 유노윤호(본명 정윤호)가 영업제한 시간 이후에도 유흥주점에 있다가 적발돼 과태료를 문다. 소속사 SM엔터테인먼트는 2일 늦은 밤 공식입장문을 배포하고 “지난 2월 유노윤호가 친구들과의 모임으로 밤 10시를

  • of course SM says he was "acquitted of charges" when it's literally impossible to get charged for violating the time restriction.

    I personally do not believe him when he says he didn't know it was a brothel, everyone who's lived in Korea more than a year knows exactly what one of those places looks like. Nobody ever randomly wanders into a brothel unless they're fresh off the plane. And, even if he somehow didn't know why would his friends take him to one (for supposedly the first time) if he hadn't shown that he was cool with it in the past?

  • I'm a fan but hes not sorry. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened again.

    It happened again?

    of course SM says he was "acquitted of charges" when it's literally impossible to get charged for violating the time restriction.

    I personally do not believe him when he says he didn't know it was a brothel, everyone who's lived in Korea more than a year knows exactly what one of those places looks like. Nobody ever randomly wanders into a brothel unless they're fresh off the plane. And, even if he somehow didn't know why would his friends take him to one (for supposedly the first time) if he hadn't shown that he was cool with it in the past?

    Not sure, but was it an actual brothel or was it just made up like the fact that he supposedly resisted/ran from the police?

  • It happened again?

    Not sure, but was it an actual brothel or was it just made up like the fact that he supposedly resisted/ran from the police?

    well it was an "unlicensed entertainment venue" and in Korea the only version that exists of that are essentially brothels. Strip clubs are just not a thing in Korea (in large part because of how many brothels there are).

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