I hate how so many famous people say things like "Well I like people, not genders. Which means my sexuality can't be defined" Like what???? That is literally bisexuality!! It's almost as if bisexual is a dirty word. People rather say their sexuality isn't defined than use the word bisexual. Then they say, I don't like the term bisexual. It doesn't describe me. Uhm, yes it does? Bisexuality means liking people, not genders.
Just look at this quote from Kesha (She says her sexuality can't be labeled):
"I don't love just men. I love people. It's not about a gender. It's just about the spirit that exudes from that other person you're with... I wouldn't say I'm gay or straight - I don't like labeling things anyway. I just like people."
She is literally describing bisexuality but refusing to say the word. This has happened so many times with different celebrities. It's bi-erasure to say your sexuality can't be defined when bisexual is the literal term for what you're experiencing.