Now to first generation. When we think of the top belters in Korea, things like Ailee, or Sohyang, Younha or even Ock Joohyun pop up. If you are not familar with any of these names I highly recommend it. BUT there is one vocalist, who was paid dust by her fans, her group and her entertainment company CCM or MBK.
Seeya Kim Yeonji
Seeya was a group that was of 3 members, but as MBK being terrible as usual, they only focused on one member, Nam Gyuri. Kim Yeonji, who was the lead vocalist (there was no difference between lead/main) of Seeya never got the recognition she deserved. One of Korea's top 10 belters.
A strong healthy vibrato I want
Perfect head voice
Almost no nasality
One of my favorite comparison videos with Lina, Yeonji and Ock Joohyun