Loyalty in a Long-Term Relationship
The passion stuff is kinda tricky? But loyalty is all about good character.
I believe Love is constructed in more important and pratical stuff than passion... I am now 25 and don't feel the need to have sex 24/7 like I did when I was younger, my partner is always up to it but he understands my reasons. Pressure can be a real mood killer as well, so when he's always trying to get laid the minus I want to do it. He learned it's best for my hormones to do all the work so I'll go after him to scratch my itchy.
About cheating... Some people learn with the exeprience of making others hurt so much (that's my partner case) and I have always beeing a loyal person who doesn't excuses cheating so I don't cheat at all.
I have flirted while in a relationship before but my partner at the time was not giving me any attention, still no excuse buuut no physical shit happened.
I guess as long you are paying attention to your partners need and emotional hardships you should be good (if they have any character and shame at all).
Yes, my grandfather was with my grandmother together over 60 years and on last moments my grandfather still cared the most my grandmothers health.
Divorce is only a problem in western country
Maybe I'm not the best person to give my opinion, (I've failed at life and haven't had a boyfriend since high school) but anyway...I'd like to believe so. I think it 's up to both parties to make sure that loyalty and passion persist throughout the relationship, even after the "honeymoon phase." The way passion is manifested may change and be modified throughout the years, as the couple gets older, but I think it's important that they make time to always keep it alive. And loyalty, well, that's up to each one as individuals to decide to be loyal, even if that means ending the relationship because things are just not working out anymore.
Again, this is coming from an inexperienced millenial who probably shouldn't be saying anything, lol.
I still love and am loyal to my wife...
Cute selfmate
Yup, I think it's way better because you now we are now experiencing friendship, understandment, etc. Way better than just wanting to get laid all the time.
Of course it is. My boyfriend and me will have our 13th anniversary next month and I never felt the need or wish to be with someone else. Because relationships evolve over time. And something like sex is not the main reason for a relationship anymore. I'm not just together with this man, we share our lifes. Our hopes and dreams and wishes. We cheer for each other, support each other, rely on each other. Coming home after a bad day at work and just getting a warm hug and a kiss and maybe some cuddles on the sofa after dinner... that's like vacation. We have been through so much and supported each other through hard times and whenever one of us is in bad shape, the other one tries to catch them and keep going. Whenever there are problems, we sit down and talk them through. That's the core of what "being together" means for us and it's the most precious thing. You don't throw something like that away for a cheap 5 minute thrill.
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