What is the Weirdest Food You Have Eaten?
there is this traditional dish that's local to the city where i went to Uni, it is called "sharmoola" and it consists mainly of black raisins and too much oinions
and it doesn't help that they usually consume it with salted dried fish
my cousin lives in that city and one day i asked his wife how they make it exactly, i was only curious but she thought i was craving it so the next time i went to visit i found she made it especially for me so i was practicalmly forced to eat it not to offend her, it was a painful experience
For food Pickle chips
"fertilized duck egg" I could never actually eat more than the yolk-like thing because it was creepy. And even then, it tasted disgusting.
Dinuguan - Dinuguan is a Filipino savory stew usually of pork offal and/or meat simmered in a rich, spicy dark gravy of pig blood, garlic, chili, and vinegar
Dinuguan - Dinuguan is a Filipino savory stew usually of pork offal and/or meat simmered in a rich, spicy dark gravy of pig blood, garlic, chili, and vinegar
umm what?
Dinuguan is a Filipino savory stew usually of pork offal and/or meat simmered in a rich, spicy dark gravy of pig blood, garlic, chili, and vinegar
no I understood it, it just sounds... nope.
Beondegi/silkmoth pupae: for me it's a fine snack after the first soju bottle.
Hongeo-heo/Fermented skate: it is an acquire taste. Not for me.
Chicken brain: pretty good
accidental bird poop+piss (I think it was a dove) when I was yawning: actually it doesn't have that much taste
i cant stand the taste of 뻔데기
something at a Chinese restaurant, never again...
in Japan they sell it in cans in vending machines
they sell it at hmart where i live
wait y r u sad
that is such a HUGE package of them
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