bruh so do you guys think singers who has good vocal techniques don't put emotions into their singing?

  • last night while I was lurking I came across a thread where people were defending their fav's vocal which was kinda amusing but no big deal people in kpop community do that all the time like i kid you not I have seen people who seriously claim that sehun is a main vocalist but one person said something in that thread that irritated me, they said they would prefer "a singer with emotion and character" and I wanted to quote them but didn't wanted to come across as attacking cause what I was saying was in general cause I've seen many people in kpop try to defend their bias by saying this and it has always irritated me.

    When vocals comes into question this type of people know their bias is really bad when it comes to technique so you know how they try to still feel superior "well my bias put emotions and soul into his singing and is not a robot"


    well this is absurd

    if you like your fav voice even if they aren't technically really good that's alright no one gives a damn but don't put down others who actually worked their arses off to be in that position of having such superb techniques just to be ridiculed like this by some fan girls cause they have inferiority complex.

    Do you know how many people are able to identify the main vocalist who is actually good at singing?

    it's because it's obvious they are putting their fricking souls into singing those lines, they give off this strong aura of "I'm hear to fricking sing"


    tldr: No body gives a f*ck abt what you listen to but don't put down those who has worked day and night just to be in that position, just to be ridiculed cause some of you for some reason has to prove why you listen to whatever garbage you listen to

  • LMAOOO i think it's the contrary

    vocalist with bad vocal technic are too focuse on trying to sound good to care about putting emotions

    meanwhile artist with good technique are enough confident and at ease with their voice to not focus too much on their singing and focus more on the message of the songs

    but then it really depend on the voice and the singer

    for example even with a good technique i think that Hyorin have a really hard time to share the emotion of a song with the public

    meanwhile singer like IU, Taeyeon etc... are doing a really good job at this and have a very good technique

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • That's a text book argument that has been used as far back as the days of the 2nd generation. Many fans of average or lacking singers keep pushing this narrative about skills and emotions being supposedly mutually exclusive and it's hilarious.

    First of all, things like emotions are very subjective. Second, being skilled lends a singer the freedom to express themselves and connect with the lyrics and music freely, while lacking singers might be too self conscious and focused on not messing up to emote freely. At least this is what I noticed personally with many kpop singers who are hailed for their emotional singing, by default just because they're not known for their technique.

  • Thing about 'emotions' is that it is two way, and the reason different people have different favorites.

    Like 'virality' there is no freaking way to verify or measure 'emotional connect', and once an artist gets some reputation of emotional delivery, newer audience will mostly prime their own emotions to imagine emotions in the singing of that artist.

    And once an artist is dubbed emotionless, many will be primed against the artist.

    Yes there are certain vocal combos which are emotionally appealing to the general public and anyone executing those consistently well will be appealing to the public. And those combos are not always the best in terms of vocal technique.

    So there is really nothing to argue about this, either a song evokes something in the listener or not - vocal skills are rather peripheral and that changes from listener to listener, or even each time of listening That is why a song by a loved family member or friend is enjoyed, even if it is just decent :)

    More number of people clicked into the emotional priming for an artists, more the artist is considered an emotional singer.

    Like charisma, there is no charts or scale to measure it.

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