Something I'd been wondering about from the first time I saw the episode 1 short film before Aespa's Next Level comeback: you can see Giselle sitting in the classroom, while scribbling down a couple of words that are projected on screen. One of those words is 'velour'.
It popped up today when I was looking for something else, so I decided to check what's the meaning of the word, because I'm unfamiliar with it.
Seems it means 'Velvet'...
So wait... is this a hint? follower, Villain, Velour...
Wait, wait, wait... does this mean that Red Velvet are followers of the villain? Are they helping Black Mamba??
Or was this a subtle hint, an easter egg, announcing that Red Velvet's next comeback will be a Velvet comeback?
Aaargh, this SMCU stuff is causing me headaches :confused: