Reasons why I am quitting:
- I post in the same way like all other users but most of my messages are getting deleted for stupid reasons as for example 18+ content even tho my message dosn't contains swearwords, harasment, crime, sexuall content,... or some mod thinks I am against their subredit-laws even tho I post like every other user in that same subreddit
- A lot of the time I get to hear rude coments like once I shared my most favourite JPop-songs of 2020 in r/jpop and 3 user wrote I shouldn't post that list and asked me why certain artists arn't in the list and even wrote it in a way like if it was a crime not to mention their faves and something similiar happend on r/kpop too as someone asked for boygroup-songs and I comented my fave songs
- As I was new to reddit I wanted to post stuff in r/ateez but the mods on r/ateez literally deleted all my messages for "inapropriate" or "not allowed content"... so a photo of Seonghwa is not allowed in a subreddit where people should be allowed to post about him? ok than ...
- When you want to post in a subreddit but they force you to get karma-points first and you try to find subredits to post on to get karma to post in this one subreddit but non of the subreddits you find let you post cause of your low karma or the mods just delet your messages for no reason and so you loose all your karma imediatly
- I was on a subreddit where people share old photos, old videos, old music and a mod seriously deleted my "German song from 1952" post cause of 2 stupid reasons 1) "Why is this a German song with an English name and why does it contain English words, I thought this is suposed to be an old song? and back in the days people didn't knew English in Germany" Nah, wrong fam. Many people didn't learned English but there were people in the 50s who could speak English and 2) "And thats not the content we want to see in our subreddit" aha than why are there other musicvideos on the exact same subreddit?
Do you use reddit or used it and what were your reasons to quit or if you still use it, would you quit?