Mnet Kingdom round 2 global voting + views ranking
Changed the title of the thread from “Mnet Kingdom round 2 voting + views ranking” to “Mnet Kingdom round 2 global voting + views ranking”. -
Omg i completely forgot the episode was today
That's weird tbh, I feel like some fanbases are avoiding voting for them?
And they stopped avoiding tbz, since they were last anyways? (because last time tbz ranked last at Whosfan votings)
deobis voted for everyone the same, but i voted for ateez, stray kids and the boyz this round, because to be honest, it felt the most profitable for the boyz since they ranked last from the groups evaluations...
anyways this ep was so fun
That's probably one of the reason. SF9 were 2nd in votes in the first round, this time they're 5th since they were 2nd in the half evaluation criteria.
That's weird tbh, I feel like some fanbases are avoiding voting for them?
deobis voted for everyone the same, but i voted for ateez, stray kids and the boyz this round, because to be honest, it felt the most profitable for the boyz since they ranked last from the groups evaluations...
I also think fandoms are avoiding voting for them, don't know if it's bcoz of the half revealed rankings or bcoz they don't like Ateez in general.
Omg i completely forgot the episode was today
It was so fun, you missed a lot hehe
I think sf9 were so high before because all fandoms voted a lot for them, but a lot of fandoms exclueded tbz and ateez, that's why tbz ranked 6th and ateez 5th before. But now since fandoms saw tbz ranked 6th for the groups evaluation, they no longer see them as threat and voted for them again. But this might change next round again.
SKZ winning both again like they should
Atiny's seem to be very lacking with Kingdom voting. Stays probably didnt vote as much for them cause they won the other evaluation and a lower ranking on these two helps SKZ total score over ATZ's, but still I expected ATZ numbers to be higher going into this but I guess their fandom isn't as organized.
I think sf9 were so high before because all fandoms voted a lot for them, but a lot of fandoms exclueded tbz and ateez, that's why tbz ranked 6th and ateez 5th before. But now since fandoms saw tbz ranked 6th for the groups evaluation, they no longer see them as threat and voted for them again. But this might change next round again.
Yeah, seems like it. Whoever is getting good score from judges and other teams, are getting lower rankings in global voting.
Yeah. I think people avoided ATEEZ if their fandom strategy didn’t specify voting for them since they were ranked 1st.
i come to conclusion that people dont like ATEEZ in general, for other groups except SKZ always being #1 their voting ranking fluctuated a lot depending on their expert & self eval results, but for ATEEZ they constantly hitting bottom. Atinys have created more accs and finally became the 2nd most followed on whosfan and voted everyone equally this time but still hits bottom means others are not voting for them obviously. Also their performances on yt gets the most dislikes shows they have so much antis. Its so sad.
This is making me sad imagining the boys disappointed as If they can't count on us. They keep saying for us dont be upset, but I know they are just too nice to say the opposite
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